Health & Social Care

Health & Social Care 

Qualification Level and Examination Board: Level 1 and 2 NCFE CACHE Technical Award in Health and Social Care  

How is the course assessed?

Both assessments are set by NCFE and each contributes equally to the qualification.

What is the content of the course?

The qualification focuses on an applied study of health and social care. Learners gain a broad knowledge and understanding of working in the sector, applying their knowledge through problem solving and exploration to focus on understanding health and social care principles and values.

This qualification will promote the learner’s understanding of:

What could I study Post-16?

What possible careers could I have?

There is a wide variety of careers in health and social care including nursing, social work, paramedic and ambulance work, dental work, therapy, childminding and counselling. 

Additional information

There are no specific prior skills/knowledge a learner must have for this qualification. However a strong interest in healthcare and/or social work are essential. 

Guernsey Grammar School & Sixth Form Centre

Les Varendes St Andrew's, Guernsey, Channel Islands, GY6 8TD 

Phone: 01481 256571

principal: Kieran James

Motto: Qui veult peult (Norman French)