
Head of Geography:  Mr Woodhouse

Qualification Level and Examination Board: Level 1 and 2 GCSE AQA GCSE Geography (8035) 

How is the course assessed?

There are three exam papers:

What is the content of the course?

Physical Geography

Human Geography

Geographical Applications

What could I study Post-16? 

This course is excellent preparation for:

What possible careers could I have? 

Geography can lead to exciting careers in areas such as environmental conservation and sustainability, politics, tourism, surveying and urban planning. 

Any additional information or requirements:

A lot of Geography works using information in different ways such as statistics, maths, map work, science, ICT and analytical skills.  It also brings together many of the skills and knowledge students learn in their other subjects. 

Les Varendes High School & Sixth Form Centre

Les Varendes St Andrew's, Guernsey, 

Channel Islands, GY6 8TD 

Phone: 01481 226571

Principal: Verona Tomlin

Motto: Qui veult peult (Norman French)