June Character Pack

Bill's partner June arrives in the final character pack of Series 1! This pack includes a mini dragon figure of June from my fanfic Wings of Fire: Salvation, a white tile floor piece, and a customizable robot with interchangeable parts! Save and print out the papercraft sheets at the bottom of this page to build this character pack for yourself!


Click here for instructions on how to assemble the mini dragons.

The floor piece is a simple cutout. The body of the customizable robot is a simple cube with slits cut into it to slide in the interchangeable pieces. Remember to cut out the slits before cutting out the whole piece! Some of the tabs are weirdly shaped so that they don't cover up the slits, and you might want to check to make sure that they still don't before gluing them in place. You may need to widen them a tiny bit more than a single cut. Each of the interchangeable pieces of the robot are folded and glued back to back, with the tabs being slotted into the slits in the body to attach them. It may take a little tweaking of the tabs' widths to get them to fit just right, and you should take extra care when doing this part as it can be easy to mess up.

Enjoy your new character pack!

Papercraft Sheets:

Save these and print them out to get started!