

Xavier is a cautious, somewhat pessimistic RainWing who has been hanging out with Hidden and Ricky since the three were in elementary school. He’s often there to point out the flaws in Hidden’s plans and rein in his crazier schemes, and while he often butts heads with Hidden over them, the two are still very close. Xavier feels uncomfortable rushing into things without a solid plan in place and can at times become caught up in details and hypotheticals.

Xavier enjoys spending his time playing video games and coding. He held a cybersecurity job at ComCorp before discovering the Salvation and will often use his coding skills to operate Hidden’s various inventions. He tends to avoid dangerous situations, but when push comes to shove he can pull through and do what needs doing.

Xavier has had many past romances which have all ended one way or another. This has left him somewhat paranoid that his next relationship will fail, hampering his ability to confess his feelings to coworker Moose whom he had a crush on for some time.

Reference Sheet:

Old Reference Sheets:

Xavier's second reference sheet.

Xavier's first reference sheet.

Other Art:

2022 Pride art of Hidden, Xavier and Maple.

Anthro femboy Xavier 'cuz it's cool and he rocks.

An average night for Xavier, featuring his older design.

A headshot sketch of sleep deprived Xavier.

A really old sketch of Xavier with a flamethrower, from before I had all the characters' personalities ironed out.