
Timeline 17-3-496

The Nations of Pyrrhia:


Capital: Sol

Aero is the largest nation in Pyrrhia and is ruled by a powerful monarchy that has near complete control over its society. It suffers from many of the same issues as the Ice Kingdom and had a portion of its territory break off into its own sovereign nation as well. Ever since then, Aero has been attempting to blockade the Free Aero Republic, and wait it out until it eventually surrenders and rejoins, though the strategy proved ineffectual when the Free Aero Republic formed an alliance with Galapago and was able to join the Talons of Peace and become recognized as its own sovereign nation.

Aero used to be a member of the Talons of Peace, but it left the alliance following the induction of the Free Aero Republic. They have also claimed to have rightful ownership of the land Possibility sits upon, though have made little more than empty threats thanks to the combined power of the Talons of Peace based there.


Capital: Sunray City

Azalea was colonized by Reed for centuries, only managing to gain independence after the Great War and the formation of the Talons of Peace. The scars of Reed’s exploitation still run deep in the nation, as much of its economy had been dependent upon Reed. While Azalea is a member of the Talons of Peace, it refuses to accept aid from the other members, as its citizens hope to regain the pride they had lost from their time under Reed’s control by rebuilding their nation on their own.

Many of its inhabitants worry of a possible invasion by Cornith, were the militaristic nation to leave the Talons as it has often threatened. Azalea was pulled into the conflict with the human nation by Reed, and a decent portion of the territory captured from Cornith now makes up Azalea. It is still vulnerable as it continues to rebuild its devastated economy, and with the RainWings being averse to conflict following their role in the Great War, Azalea could easily be overtaken by the human nation.

Azalea is also home to numerous ancient ruins dating back thousands of years, which hint at a society of RainWings and humans coexisting in a time when dragons elsewhere still preyed upon humans. It has attracted many archeological expeditions to the region, with mixed reception from the local RainWings, some eager to discover more about their past or bolster their economy through tourism, and others more concerned with preserving the sanctity of the ancient structures, or worried that the expeditions will damage them and the surrounding rainforest.


Capital: Galveroth

Cornith is almost entirely populated by humans, most of whom hold a deep resentment toward dragons, especially their neighbors in Reed, Galapago, and Azalea. During the Great War, swathes of the nation’s territory were captured by Reed and Galapago, and that combined with Leberin being the nation to finally end the Great War has left many there still holding a grudge against the dragons that had ravaged their nation. As a result, dragons in Cornith are subjected to harsh, and often humiliating restrictions. It’s common there to find dragons working as glorified taxis for human residents, as it is one of the few jobs available to them.

Cornith is a heavily militaristic nation, though it is still recuperating from the damages it had sustained in the Great War and is unable to muster up the same military might as nations like Aero or Sonora. They are a member of the Talons of Peace, though they have threatened to leave on many occasions, and have expressed particular distaste for the naming of the alliance.

The Free Aero Republic:

Capital: Aereon

The Free Aero Republic broke off Aero shortly after the Great War, following an uprising led by a coalition of local SkyWings and humans. The mountainous terrain and cold weather made attacking it rather difficult for Aero, and as the land didn’t have many useful resources anyway, Aero instead opted for a blockade strategy, which was quickly undermined by an alliance between the Free Aero Republic and Galapago. The blockades do make travel to and from the Free Aero Republic difficult, and it has only managed to last as long as it has thanks to the hardiness of its citizens and trade with Galapago.


Capitals: Abyssria and Seafoam City

Galapago was once a collective of many separate nations spread throughout the Bay of a Thousand Scales, though they were brought together by the Great War to aid in Reed’s assault on Cornith. The land is home to many deep-water ports, making it perfect for long-distance trade between Pyrrhia and Pantala. It has two capital cities, Seafoam City as the surface capital, and Abyssria as the underwater capital. Abyssria’s location had remained a secret - even after the Great War - until a submarine expedition by Aero accidentally stumbled upon it. The discovery of Abyssria’s location has led Galapago to work with JSI to modify their underwater cities to allow surface dragons and humans to visit. Galapago is also a member of the Talons of Peace.

The Ice Kingdom:

Capital - Auroris

The IceWings have long isolated themselves in the north, refusing to allow other cultures to “taint” their own. The Great Ice Garrison, a more than 200-year-old fortress built along the Ice Kingdom’s border during a war with Sonora, is a clear testament to this fact. Travel in and out of the Ice Kingdom is near impossible for anyone who isn’t one of its upper elites, as the IceWings in control generally don’t like other types of dragons entering their domain, and don’t want their own citizens leaving either. IceWings already living outside of the Ice Kingdom aren’t even considered true IceWings by those living within, which has led many of them to feel a disconnect, and in some cases even revoke any connection with their ancestral homeland.

The higher class IceWings have actively attempted to keep the true nature of their society a secret, and instead portray it as a pristine utopia. Despite this, information about the Ice Kingdom has leaked out, revealing a shocking disparity between the wealthy IceWings in the royal court of Auroris and everyone else. Most IceWings live in abject poverty, and have little to no modern technology, as the elites hoard all the wealth for themselves. Ice Kingdom society uses the circle system, like how it does in Timeline 0, though it is widely believed that the elites change rankings as they please without any justification.

The Ice Kingdom is staunch on maintaining old traditions, and remained mostly pre-industrial prior to the Great War, which they attempted to stay out of to the best of their ability. Following the war, and the advent of nuclear weapons, the Ice Kingdom heavily ramped up military production, entering an arms race against Aero, Cornith, and Sonora. It refuses to join the Talons of Peace, and still has not recognized humans as individuals.


Capital: Drakenon

Once a largely human nation, Leberin has since become the second most diverse nation in the world, behind Possibility. It has developed very close ties with Possibility, thanks in part to it being one of the nations responsible for the city’s formation alongside its neighbor and other close ally Sonora. It is the home of the Jade Science Institute, the facility responsible for the creation of the atomic bombs that ended the Great War, and that has since abandoned weapons development in favor of more peaceful pursuits.

Early in the Great War, Leberin took control of Nocturn from Sonora, and reinstated its independence a decade after the conclusion of the Great War. It is a dedicated member of the Talons of Peace and has stepped in to prevent heated tensions within or between nations from creating new wars on multiple occasions.


Capital: Duskwind

Nocturn is the ancestral home of the NightWings, though it had been under the control of other nations for nearly two millennia following a devastating earthquake that flooded much of its land, leaving what was left open for conquest. Many NightWings had been separated from their homeland since then and have established their own communities in nations such as Leberin, Sonora, and Galapago. The return of Nocturn to NightWing rule was initially met with celebration, but NightWings returning from around the world soon came into conflict with those that had been living there all along.

The NightWings returning to their homeland had developed wildly different ideas about how to run their society due to their time spent in other nations, and many of their ideas conflicted with one another, as well as with the many NightWings that had still been inhabiting Nocturn. The nation has become locked in heated tensions between rival NightWing factions vying for control, and while violence has yet to break out, it seems like the nation is on the razor's edge of descending into bloodshed.

Nocturn is also a member of the Talons of Peace.

The Northfront Republic:

The Northfront Republic takes up a small, desolate island at the northernmost point of Pyrrhia. It was once an Ice Kingdom prison camp, but the prisoners there revolted and managed to take control of the island. Due to the severe lack of resources and near unlivable weather, the Ice Kingdom never bothered to recapture it, as the prisoners there wouldn’t be able to escape without going through the Ice Kingdom anyway. In effect, they are all still prisoners, the only difference being that they no longer receive the bare minimum of supplies the Ice Kingdom used to send them.

Despite this, they have seemingly managed to hold on, though it is difficult to tell considering the barrier formed by both the Ice Kingdom and Aero (which is also largely against the Northfront Republic, having undergone a similar situation with the Free Aero Republic). Its existence was only confirmed by a daring expedition by the Free Aero Republic, which has been attempting to aid the Northfront Republic in any way it can, even if it is not by much. A representative of the Northfront Republic sits with the Talons of Peace, though they are unable to fully join due to their secluded location and dubious status as an independent nation.


The epicenter of modern civilization, Possibility is a city so large, it functions as its own independent nation. From its towering clusters of skyscrapers to its vast suburban sprawls, the city is home to the most diverse collection of dragons and humans in the world. It is also home to the headquarters of the Talons of Peace, an international alliance formed after the Great War to prevent future global conflict.

Possibility was also the epicenter of the two-way civil rights movement of the midcentury. While tensions between dragons and humans still exist in Possibility, just as they do in any other nation, such bigotry is generally looked down upon by the populous.


Capital: Palm City

Much of the marshland covering Reed has been sold off and converted into housing and entertainment districts. Reed has gained immense wealth thanks to its booming real estate industry and is home to many well-known theme parks and resorts, as well as the world-renowned casino district known as the Diamond Strip. The Save the Spray movement has sprung up in response to the government’s reckless destruction of the marshland, though it has made little gains in the face of such a lucrative industry.

Reed is a member of the Talons of Peace, and at the encouragement of some of its other members, it released Azalea from its rule almost two decades after the Great War. This was also around the time that Reed’s economy became more focused on real estate and tourism than it did on the lucrative fruit plantations that it had previously established in Azalea.


Capital: Fulgurite

Once a poorly managed land rife with crime, the Great War galvanized Sonora into a powerful republic, with one of the largest armies on the planet. Sonora is home to vast reserves of oil and minerals, the latter of which having been acquired in the war with the IceWings that resulted in the construction of the Great Ice Garrison. During the Great War, Sonora allied with Aero against Leberin, though the two became bitter rivals following the end of the conflict. Sonora is now a close ally of Leberin and has established lucrative trade with it and Reed.

Despite having become much more prosperous since the pre-war years, Sonora still grapples with issues of poverty and crime, especially in the drier deserts to the south. They are an active member of the Talons of Peace and have a habit of trying to meddle with other nations’ affairs. They once attempted to end the conflict in Nocturn, only to nearly cause an all-out war between the rival factions before Leberin stepped in to calm the situation. They have also attempted to send aid into the Ice Kingdom, nearly provoking war with them on multiple occasions.


This is a work-in-progress map of Pantala. Further details about each of its nations are still in the works, and will be provided at a future date (sorry about the low quality, the reference image of Pantala that I traced over was lower resolution than I initially realized).

Notable Cities:

Possibility: The largest city in Pyrrhia, and the whole world for that matter, Possibility is home to the world’s most diverse population of humans and dragons, and some of the most extravagant and extreme feats of architectural prowess as well. Everything in Possibility is big, and the city functions as a center of commerce, media, and just about everything else. It is also the primary meeting place of the Talons of Peace.

Drakenon: The second largest city in Pyrrhia, Drakenon is built upon the lower slopes of the Jade Range. It is home to a very diverse population of both humans and dragons. It has grown explosively since the Great War, and recently in cooperation with the nearby Jade Science Institute the city has begun working to create structures and facilities that are accessible to both humans and dragons, to further unite the two species.

Notable Landmarks:

The Jade Science Institute: A massive government-run research facility that once designed weapons for humans in the Great War, and now works to develop new technologies to make everyone’s lives better. Hidden and his father Bill work here.

Trans-continental Bridge: The Trans-Continental Bridge is the largest piece of infrastructure on the planet, and it spans the width of the Pernalian Ocean. There were also plans to build a second bridge over the Galapigan Ocean, though they fell through due to the enormous cost of doing so.

The Friller Canal: This canal was designed by the SandWing engineer Friller, and it diverts an enormous amount of water from Possibility all the way to the Sonoran capital of Fulgurite. It has allowed settlements in the northern half of Sonora to prosper.

Beetle Lake: Once one of the largest lakes in Pantala, Beetle Lake has shrunken in size dramatically due to agricultural mismanagement of the nearby nations. It is now a shadow of its former self, and it is projected to disappear entirely in the coming years.