Art Gallery

Timeline 17-3-496

Concept Art:

A more recent concept sketch of the Jade Science Institute, with a slightly abstract angular art style. Some details like the roof of the bullet train station have been changed, but the overall design is largely the same as it is now.

A brainstorming sheet that I used when coming up with the various nations of Pyrrhia. I had also planned to label the main bullet train lines on the map, but decided against it to keep it from getting too cluttered. I also moved Drakenon a little closer to JSI in the final version. You can see some nation and capital city names that I was thinking of listed around the sides.

A much older sketch of Hidden flying over the Jade Science Institute. This is based on the first chapter of the original version of this story. The core design elements of JSI are present even this far back, though I would later expand upon it much more.