Azalea Grenveldt


This character was created based on u/WholesomelyChaotic's WoFxSCP crossover on the r/WingsOfFire subreddit.

Azalea is the second daughter of the notorious Grenveldt family, who have connections to just about every mafia, cartel, and crime syndicate anomalous or otherwise. She inherited magical abilities from her mother, whose ancestor used a shred of Darkstalker’s scroll to grant their bloodline great magical powers. These powers often manifest as the ability to change one’s own shape and body makeup, and at times even that of others. In Azalea’s case, her powers grant her the ability to shapeshift into a wide variety of inanimate objects, whether it be a sword, a statue, a stapler, a sports car, and many others. While she can turn into a plethora of different things, each form takes a good deal of training to master, and they all bear some resemblance to Azalea whether that be simply through colors and markings matching her scales, to fake brand names being puns on her name, or even simply looking just like her as in the case of turning into a plushie or statue of herself. She is capable of moving around within the limitations of whatever form she takes (the researchers at Site 30 find it quite adorable when she waddles around as a plushie) although she has a hard time moving in more rigid forms composed mostly of solid metal or stone. She is also capable of speaking while transformed even when she wouldn’t physically be capable of doing so. There is no limit to how long Azalea can stay as an object, nor how many times she can shapeshift, although she must always return to her normal form first before becoming something else. It’s possible that Azalea’s powers could be even greater would she apply herself to her training, especially considering the incredible capabilities of her mother.

While Azalea’s childhood was happy and carefree, as she got older her parents began pushing her to further develop her abilities with plans for her to enter the family business. Not finding organized crime to be all too appealing (though mostly due to her being annoyed by her parents’ constant pressure), she left her family and set out into the world. For a few years she wandered from town to town, using her powers to mess with people and get free food. Eventually she was picked up by the Foundation who – upon seeing how useful her abilities would be towards infiltration and stealth operations – offered her a job as an agent. Azalea for her part wasn’t very fond of the strict procedures of the Foundation, but becoming an agent was a better option than being locked in a cell forever, and she was lucky enough to be sent to a site with a relatively laid-back atmosphere. She now works various infiltration missions, using her abilities to sneak into enemy bases right under their noses.

Azalea has a very laid back, goofy attitude. When not on the job she loves loafing around the lab, hanging out with her semi-romantic partner Millipede as she teaches him to use his newfound abilities, and using her own powers to pull various pranks on the rest of the staff. Her favorite thing to turn into is a cardboard standee of herself, as it was the first form she learned how to take and she can often use it to great comedic effect around the site. Despite her usually carefree demeanor she can be serious, though this is usually only when someone close to her is threatened or she’s in the middle of a particularly important mission.

Azalea’s life is pretty good now, but there are some things she can’t ignore forever, and some dragons who aren’t done with her just yet.

Reference Sheet:

Other Art:

Another drawing of Azalea in her favorite form.