Historical Timeline

Timeline 17-3-496

Year System:

Year 0 in Timeline 17-3-496 was the year that a massive earthquake struck Pyrrhia, destroying much of Nocturn. Sonora, Reed and Aero were formed around then, and many cultures place this year in great significance. Years before it are marked BQ (Before Quake) and years after marked AQ (After Quake). The current year at the start of Wings of Fire: Salvation Volume 1 is 2021 AQ.

Timeline of Notable Events:

  • 1936 AQ - Worldwide Economic Crash

  • 1940-1945 AQ - The Great War

  • Feb 14, 1945 AQ - The Scorching, Bao and Cicada are destroyed.

  • Feb 23, 1945 AQ - Union Day, the Great War ends and the Talons of Peace is formed.

  • 1961 AQ - Nocturn is released from Leberin's control.

  • 1962 AQ - Azalea is released from Reed's control.

  • Feb 23, 1964 AQ - The Civil Rights Bill is signed in Possibility, with other nations following suit soon after.

  • 1964 AQ - Opening of Pyrrhia's first bullet train.

  • 1966-1967 AQ - Civil war breaks out in Aero.

  • 1968 AQ - The Free Aero Republic joins the Talons of Peace, and Aero leaves.

  • 1971 AQ - An Aero submarine discovers Abyssria.

  • Mar 27, 2003 AQ - Xavier's Birthday

  • Sept 18, 2003 AQ - Ricky's Birthday

  • Oct 10, 2003 AQ - Hidden's Birthday

  • 2010 AQ - Construction of the Transcontinental Bridge between Pyrrhia and Pantala is completed.

  • May 20, 2015 AQ - The Salvation crashes near the Jase Science Institute.

  • June 12, 2021 AQ - Hidden's group are flung out into the multiverse aboard the Salvation.