The waterfalls

The healer Jessamine Sterling

"Oh, the magic apprentice. I can't say I'm that shocked.. I always told that girl she was meddling with things she didn't understand. I just didn't know how right I was. I wish this wasn't how things had turned out...but sometimes you just don't get a say in that. Good luck, heroes- I wish you well. If you get hurt, do come back and I'll work my own magic to help instead of hurt."


The healer Jessamine Sterling

"Hello there! I spent all morning growing herbs, I hear theres some fuss about some old scroll? Well anyway, I don't want to know. I prefer to live in the now, and not the past, you know? It doesn't matter to me what mistakes some old geezers in their castles made...I'll leave the history diving and the righting-wrongs to others."

The healer Jessamine Sterling

"Good morning! Don't you love the smell of the crisp morning air and the sounds of the birds around? I surely do. Plenty of birds make their homes up here, and though a lot of them end up our prey since they're easy to hunt for our flyers, I protect the ones who live here because they're beautiful and they deserve to admire our lovely falls too. Plus, I like to think the soft soothing birdsong can heal people, its nice to have something to listen to that isn't the machines in the city. There's even a few lovely smelling flowers that stubbornly grow in the rocks around the water."

The healer Jessamine Sterling

'You haven't lived until you've seen the sunset up here in the sky, reflecting off of our lovely falls. It itself is truly the stuff of should stay for it one day, I promise you won't be dissappointed."

The healer Jessamine Sterling

"'re new here.... Are you in need of healing? These pools of water come from the ancient magic that pulls water from the clouds, its the purest water you've ever seen, certainly moreso than the filthy sea water. Look at all those scars- you've certainly seen some fights haven't you? I hope you have some sort of healers down there on the land! I'd love to trade secrets with them sometime, I can't begin to imagine what sort of medicines there are down there..there's so much more land than I ever dreamed, you know? It feels like no matter how far the city drifts, there's more and more of it. We work with ancient herbs we've always had, but it can't cure it all... what could we do with more..? I'll always wonder.

Maybe, if you're feeling generous, I'll offer something for sharing some of your land-medicines, I'm sure they could do a world of good here. "