
Prompts will be added every day! Completed prompts should be posted on CS on the main event thread page (link below). They rollover every day at 8pm.

You cannot complete older/already passed prompts for their listed rewards. If you want to do them anyway, you can claim them for the free writing prompt for feathers only.

Post a link to completed prompts with this form:
Pride/group link:
Hero link:
Link to your hero MYO if you have one. (If you choose not to make one, you'll receive the alternative award.)
Link to completed prompt:

Every day, there will be MULTIPLE prompts posted for each faction. Edits and colors/ect will theme around that faction's goals.
You may complete UP TO FOUR of the prompts each day.

*Note, that if you do not have/wish to make a hero myo, you can replace the 'hero' prompts with a lion/cat/ect of your choosing.

**Note for colors: They are LOOSE, when I provide palettes its just to give ideas of an acceptable range under that color. You dont have to use /those specific/ variations.

Day 9-16

This prompt WILL last through the end of the event, ending at Rollover 16->17.

During this prompts runtime, the event bank will be calculated and staff will get caught up adding edits to hero myos.
The store will open at Rollover 17->18. The day buffer is to calculate this final prompt's rewards.

This is it; the final battle with the titan or sorceress. Whoever your hero chooses to confront and battle.

The fate of this fight is up to you.

This prompt functions differently than the daily prompts. EVERYONE will work together to complete prompts to earn rewards that apply to all heroes. The points add up to benefit everyone.
(ex: if 3 people earn 5 points each, then everyone has earned 15 points total.)

You may write as little or as much as you please.

Every 200 words of writing = 1 point = 1 AC

A flat colored fullbody = 1 point = 1 AC
+Background = +1point = +1AC
Each additional character (DRAWN in fullbody) +1 point, +1 AC

Please use this form when submitting THIS Prompt:

Pride/group link:
Hero link:

Link to completed prompt:
Point earnings:


You may choose to write around ANY of these prompts that you prefer; and you can alter them to your liking to suit your story and how you want it to resolve.

Within these prompts, you have free reign to use your hero, or any of the NPCS throughout the event. (You may assume that all of the NPCS have joined to help your heroes in the battle.)

You can come up with the specifics of the titan's abilities and/or appearance as it fits into your world. The only specifications are "Giant rock monster". Beyond that- go nuts. You can write the sorceresses' abilities to whatever you feel like as well.

You can mix and match the prompts given as much as you like, the writing is more or less a free write; but it should adhere to some of these ideas to be counted for this event.
If you are not participating in the hero myo/aren't using the event lore, you can treat this as a battle against any foe you wish.

Prompt: Write/Draw about the final battle between your hero and the titan/sorceress/ect

Prompt: Write/Draw about the aftermath of the fight and how things are cleaned up

Prompt: Write/Draw about your hero's choice of where they will choose to stay and why

Prompt: Write/Draw your hero's interactions with/goodbyes to the NPCS

Prompt: Write/Draw about your pride's role in the battle

Prompt: Write or draw your hero interacting with a hero from another universe (Another user's hero)

Final prompt reward tiers:

Points earned through everyone's prompt entries.
Hero MYO markings/colors/edits: Apply to EVERYONE'S myos. These 'all around' edits will be posted on the front page of the hero myos, (im not going to go putting them in everyone's edit lists- that would be unnecessary)
Items and AC rewards: ONLY apply to people who have earned at least ONE point in this prompt (submitted a day 9-16 prompt).

BE AWARE: If you do not have a hero: you will not receive individual alternative awards for the hero edits: they are calculated as a whole and not individually.

5 points - Hero color: Opal (White) Iridescence

10 points - Hero color: Black (Oil) iridescence

15 points - Hero edit: Large scarring (Missing limbs)

20 points - Ac bonus: 15 AC

25 points - Hero markings: Bones/skeleton, skull face markings

30 points - Hero color: Rainbow

35 points - Hero markings: Unnatural stars, Unnatural hearts, Unnatural fish, Unnatural shoulder wings

40 points - Regular items: Mutation booster, Edit magnifier, Growth potion

45 points - Regular items: Nonrarity edit, Edit remover, 1 minor edit, 1 medium edit

50 points - Hero edit: Major/large user's choice of gene splice.

75 points - Ac bonus: 30 AC

100 points - Regular items: 1x species swapper (Allows you to swap the species of a design), 1x Unlimited medium MYO

150 points - Hero markings: Unnatural circuit board, unnatural scale markings, unnatural geometric (sharp edges/angles)

200 points - Regular items: 2x gold feather

250 points - Hero edit: Major/large user's choice of visible elemental power

300 points - Hero edit: Medium multiple tails (up to 6) Minor (3 tails) on fox/cat

350 points - Regular items: 2x Medium trait translator

400 points - Regular items: 1x 1 large or major trait MYO

500 points - 1x iridescent feather

600 - 1x extra breeding slot item

v Previous prompts v

Day 8

**You may do ONE of today's prompts.**
Note that this is the last DAILY prompt. Day 9s prompt will last through the rest of the event.

With the help of

"What have we done. The titan has awoken, it must have realized we were using its power to take over the kingdoms .

It's enraged, sending magic and its spawn to attack us. Why wouldn't it be? We were trying to siphon off its life while it slept.

The three cities weren't meant to be together, but I thought we could trust Lorena to come up with a solution... but its worse. We have to drive it back.

What will it do when it reaches us? I don't know how we'll battle its powerful abilities. We're not strong enough.

The sorceress has gathered too much power.

She was not able to stop the reckoning the titan brought us. The kingdoms are torn asunder.

She has fled, banished from our kingdoms. Shamed by the destruction she wrought, and the families she tore apart

I promise one day she will try again. Our hero must be ready to prove we can change."

Sky prompts

"Lorena! That sniveling apprentice? I used to be friends with her.. it's hard to believe she's behind this... all of this. Not just now- but in the past too. How old is she? How powerful has she become? You have to do something. We can use your strategies to hold the titan off, but Lorena is the one who has to be stopped."

Sky prompt : Day 8

Who's in charge of tracking down the traitor, and how do they find her? What's your hero's new plan for battling an ancient sorceress, and how do they cope with the sudden change of direction and enemy?

Requirement: 850 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody with simple background

Reward: Edit: Large/major wings & 2 AC

Alt: 5 AC

Land prompts

It seems like a new foe has been singled out. Your hero can choose to prepare to go after the sorceress and hope that the titan can be reasoned with...or choose to get rid of the titan once and for all to stop this from ever happening again.

Land prompt : Day 8

With no clear path, and something new to ponder, your hero takes some time alone to ponder how they want to proceed. If they will wage war with the titan, or try to make peace. If they will attack the sorceress- or simply remove the source of her power. Your hero has the chance to reflect on what they've learned and what's really important to them. What do they decide?

Requirement: 850 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody with simple background
Reward: Marking style:
Large/major plant growth & 2 AC
5 AC

Sea prompts

"The sorceress? I never heard of such a thing. But if she's started this then she deserves justice! But first this titan. I think we should be rid of it once and for all- it still caused massive damage and theres no telling if someone will try and use its power again... Plus, theres no telling if we can calm it down now."

Sea prompt : Day 8

The titan still needs to be dealt with. Its approaching fast, and it should arrive by tomorrow. How does your hero/pride/group plan to approach it and what do they want to do to combat it; armed with the new knowledge that they have?

Requirement: 850 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody with simple background
Edit: Large/major body scales & 2 AC
5 AC


Thanks to the help of the queen of the sky city, we've learned a little more about the scroll she'd been given. She'd sent it back with one of the soldiers of the sky city, a letter and a small note attached. More importantly, a translation. Some words appear to be missing, probably ones that the queen didn't recognize.

"What have we done. The titan has awoken, it must have realized we were using its power to ████████ .

It's enraged, sending magic and its spawn to attack us. Why wouldn't it be? We were trying to siphon off its life while it slept.

The three cities weren't meant to be together, but I thought we could trust █████ to come up with a solution... but its worse. We have to drive it back.

What will it do when it reaches us? I don't know how we'll battle its powerful abilities. We're not strong enough.

██ █████ ███

███████ ██████████ ██████████ ██████████ ███

███████ ██████████ ██████████ ███

███████ ██████████ ██████████ ███"

There is a note attached
"I could only translate half of the scroll. You'll have to take the other half to the sea kingdom."

Sky prompts

"Well, I'm glad the queen could do something to translate it. But I wish it wasn't such a bleak realization. I don't wish to believe my ancestors are the cause of all of this by their own hands."

Sky prompt : Day 7A

The three kingdoms had in the past attempted to become unified through using the titan's magic. But it seems the Sky city was responsible for the endeavor, Do your hero/pride members think this was well intended or are they suspicious of their motives?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Dark pink & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sky prompt: Day 7B

What does your hero make of the knowledge that the titan was (in the past at least) just attempting to defend itself? Does it make them question their views on the situation, especially considering the destruction it caused?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Tabby stripes & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sky prompt: Day 7C

The scroll has revealed more of the past. Does your hero/pride members agree the titan's magic should be used to benefit the three kingdoms, or left alone to its own devices? Do they believe that the natural world should be utilized for their wellbeing or they should take only what they need?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Leg feathers & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Land prompts

The scroll has revealed some of the history around this all, but theres still more to come to light. On top of it, the Titan is almost here. We have much to worry about.

Land prompt : Day 7A

As the titan approaches, the earthquakes have become more of a nuisance. What measures has your group taken to manage them? Have they secured certain things or moved somewhere safer for the time being?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Light grey (Silver/offwhite) & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Land prompt: Day 7B

The pride/group has found strange footprints at the edges of their territories. They seemed to be very small, but very resolved in their purpose. They follow them to a strange circle drawn in the dirt, made of magical runes. Someone was up to something here....

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Ankle stripes & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Land prompt: Day 7C

The titan can be seen, far in the distance if you get to high enough ground. A tiny, slow but steady dot in the distance towering over the landscape. How does your pride/group or hero respond to being able to finally place eyes on it? The reality that their time to prepare is steadily narrowing?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Leg spines & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Sea prompts

"Hey! I finally got that potion from the scholars down in the sea, ready to get your fur wet, landgoers? Listen, take that scroll from Allana and get it to the king, he'll know what to do with it."

Sea prompt : Day 7A

Who goes down to the sea city to deliver the scroll from above, and why?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch

Reward: color: Blue-violet & 1 AC

Alt: 2 AC

Sea prompt: Day 7B

How does your visitor navigate swimming in the waters? Do they strictly stay on their paws as much as possible, or attempt swimming- and how effective are they at managing it?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody

Reward: Marking style: Tail raccoon stripes & 2 AC

Alt: 3 AC

Sea prompt: Day 7C

Your hero has the ability to return to the sea city to see what it is like, or to visit- if they hadn't been before. How does it make them feel and how do they think of or remember it? Is it somewhere they feel at home or feel entirely out of place?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background

Reward: Edit: Neck gills & 2 AC

Alt: 4 AC


The magic is getting worse, and the anomalies are progressing. The day seems normal...well, whatever normal has become these days, until Allana comes running to your pride with a strange scroll. "Look! We found this ancient thing carried by one of the stone guards. It looks like its from the old times- its seal is that of some of our first kings...what was it doing with it? Well I have no idea- but maybe it's got some kind of answer to all this....Now, do you have anyone who can translate magic runes? Otherwise....Uh.. I'll be back." Something about the scroll seems uncomfortable. Like its surrounded in something that truly ought not to be there...but you can't quite put your finger on what.

Sky prompts

"We have to figure out what that scroll means! It could save all of us- or even better, answer as to why this titan is so angry with us in the first place... Make peace, not war, right?"

Sky prompt : Day 6A

This scroll is calling out to your hero in some way. Like a long ancient mystery some part of them is aware of. How do they respond? Are they intrigued- or afraid?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Dark red/burgandy & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sky prompt: Day 6B

These ancient runes feel alive with power. Even if you dont know what they say, you can tell its something you were probably not meant to see. Who's the first to take a crack at trying to translate them?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Back stripe (Skunk-like stripe) & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sky prompt: Day 6C

While some work on translating the scroll, your hero decides to investigate the rock monster who had been carrying it. What was so unique about it? Why did it have it? When they do, it begins to speak to them, with a single warning "Save him" it croons. Ominous.

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Muzzle shape edit & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Land prompts

Your own pride/group has some research to do. Hope at least someone around is up for the task...

Land prompt : Day 6A

Does your group/pride have any sort of written word, or the ability to read any languages? Why or why not? Is it something they've just never considered/been exposed to? If they don't, how would they respond to words/written things they can't understand?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Muted brown & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Land prompt: Day 6B

Does your hero believe in luck, or believe everything happens for a reason? What do they think of the concept of destiny and how it's effected their life and led them to where they are now?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Tiger stripes & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Land prompt: Day 6C

How valuable is knowledge to your pride/group/hero? How important is it to them to learn and grow? What do they consider of written knowledge versus traditional experience or versus the passed down knowledge from others? How much care do they put into solving things they don't know the answer to?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Body alteration (shorter or taller) & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Sea prompts

"What's up with the weird flimsy leaf thing? Allana is pretty worked up about it. I don't like to see her so ruffled up but I guess she's right...maybe it holds something important."

Sea prompt : Day 6A

Who is entrusted with the scroll while its being investigated? Who is responsible enough to take care of something old, fragile, and important, and why?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch

Reward: color: Dark green & 1 AC Alt: 2 AC

Sea prompt: Day 6B

Your hero's starting to become more comfortable on land. How much has changed since they first arrived? How do they feel about the land now?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody

Reward: Marking style: Merle & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sea prompt: Day 6C
Neptune requests some supplies they'll need for the spell to travel underwater. Who's sent on a gathering mission for these herbs and materials he's requesting? How do they remember everything, if they do? Do they appreciate an easy gathering job or wish they had something more complicated to do?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background

Reward: Edit: Whisker additions (bulbs/ect) & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Day 5

Reinforcements have arrived! Thanks to your visit to the sky city (or maybe because they were just feeling nice), some reinforcements have arrived to help fend off the rock creatures. Watching the winged allies bap them around is funny at least. Oh well, it sounds like their problem now. Now you and your pride/group can get down to the real matter at hand and not worry as much about them. Things can't get worse right...well, whirlpools have started sprouting up in random bodies of water, even small ones like ponds or puddles, and trees have started falling out of nowhere. Nothing is working just the way it should... Some magic is afoot.

Sky prompts

"Weird huh? I woke up this morning and the stones around me had completely changed color! It seems like the titan's magic is beginning to effect the area in all sorts of strange ways... I've never seen anything like it."

Sky prompt : Day 5A

Things are very strange... what has your pride or hero run into that's awful bizzare? Floating rocks? Trees growing upside down? Gravity not working for a few feet?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Dark purple & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sky prompt: Day 5B

Does your pride/hero have any sort of magic ability? Why or why not? is it not something that exists for them- if so, what do they think of magic or is it something they'd want to have or does it scare them?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Eyebrow spots & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sky prompt: Day 5C

How is this introduction to the titan's magic faring for your pride/hero? Are they afraid of what it can lead to, or are they unphased? What else do they think it could do that could be a threat?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Halo (Up to 3) & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Land prompts

All this magic is making things out of wack...what strange things are happening in your territory?

Land prompt : Day 5A

Your pride/hero is faced with some pretty strange anomalies. Some of them even dangerous. What safety protocols do they put in place to try and protect everyone against them? Is there a certain area or type of area they avoid to prevent running into them?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Gold (bright yellow) & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Land prompt: Day 5B

Your hero seems to know something about these strange occurrences. They don't know where they learned it, but they feel like they've seen them before. Perhaps a dream in a dream. Regardless, it stirs up some questions about who they really are. How do they handle this mini-identity crisis? Do they go to anyone to be consoled or just to find answers?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Ear dots & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Land prompt: Day 5C

The earth around the territory seems abuzz with energy. In some places, the plants are entirely overgrown, as thick as a rainforest. What does your pride/hero do to traverse this area? How close to home is it? Are they easily lost, or do they have a plan? It's surely a good hunting ground for small prey..if you can avoid dissapearing into the deep plantlife...

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Full mane/custom mane edit (lions) & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Sea prompts

"I'm still working on the under-water magic thing! Those whirlpools are making it a little hard to communicate with home base, you know. They aren't drowning us, but Milton spun around in circles for three hours and he's still pretty shaken up."

Sea prompt : Day 5A

Your hero has kept up training and has the chance to use it, do they use their training to save anyone/anything from these bizarre magics?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch

Reward: color: vivid green & 1 AC Alt: 2 AC

Sea prompt: Day 5B

Your hero seems to have developed some way of combating this magic, something that no one else can do. Is it something they're doing on purpose or just a weird happening that follows them? is it magical, or practical?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody

Reward: Marking style: Cheetah spots & 2 ACAlt: 3 AC

Sea prompt: Day 5CThese whirlpools are causing a lot of problem to the local water sources and obtaining water. Its easy for a lion to get sucked in and if the water's deep enough- they can certainly get gravely injured as a result. How does your pride/hero handle such an inconvenient natural occurance?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background

Reward: Edit: Glowing & 2 ACAlt: 4 AC

Day 4

We need backup. These rock monsters are getting more stubborn, and some of them are even fighting amongst each other! Well, the easiest thing to do is go fetch it. Allana is busy with her people on the ground..but she suggests some of your pride/group members head up to her sky city and let them know you need a hand, surely they can scrounge up some extra soldiers to keep the creatures at bay while your group focuses on the actual task at hand.

Sky prompts

"Things are getting hairy around here... you should head up to our home! Surely our soldiers are the best of the best, they'll get this under control. Oh, I'll have to use a spell so you can breathe up there.. i know you land creatures don't handle heights well..."

Sky prompt : Day 4A

A new challenge arrives! Someone's got to go up to the sky city to enlist help, who's going up the long journey up the chain to the flying city above and why? What do they bring with them or how do they prepare?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Edit: Pupil shape
& 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sky prompt: Day 4B

The sky city is a massive place full of all sorts of new spots! What do they think of this place? What things do they see?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Freckles & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sky prompt: Day 4C

How does their journey to the leaders of this new land play out? Where do your pride/group members even start? How long does it take them to find their way there and effective are they at convincing them to send back up?
Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Hair on the head & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Land prompts

Meanwhile, the mess continues to get worse back on the ground.

Land prompt : Day 4A

The distant city in the sky calls to some of your pride/group members, but not to others; who stays behind and why?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Edit: Small fangs & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Land prompt: Day 4B

With the preparations underway, it leaves a little time for your group/pride members- and even your hero to relax. How do they take a break and what do they introduce to your hero?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Giraffe spots & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Land prompt: Day 4C

Your pride/group takes the time to explain their history to their hero, sharing their side of the story. What elements are most important they think the hero should know? What means the most in their path to becoming who they are?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Horns (on the head) & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Sea prompts

"The sky city? Pahhh, What you really need is some soldiers from my city in the sea.... Can you go there? No, Not unless you can breathe underwater.. Hmm, I'll look into that, perhaps theres a spell to get you airbreathers some gills..."

Sea prompt : Day 4A

Your pride discusses visiting the sea kingdom... what do they think it would be like? What do they expect they would find?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Edit: Claws & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sea prompt: Day 4B
Your hero is keeping up with their training and adjusting to the land despite the commotion. Have they come to show anything unique compared to the rest of the pride? What do they add that's different from others, whether its their experiences from the other cities that add to that or their outside perspective?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Leopard spots & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sea prompt: Day 4C
What is your hero doing to help out around the pride? Along with training, have they taken up any other duties or made themselves useful in other ways? What do they do when they aren't working on their fighting skills?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Leg fins & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Day 3

Things are getting a bit messy. The footsteps draw closer and strange new foes have begun to emerge! No one is sure if its a result of ancient creatures waking, roused by the titan...or just offshoots of the titan itself, but strange beings made of rock have begun to rampage about the territory. Ranging in size from small and easily kicked aside, to large behemoths that leave a trail of destruction in their wake. Time is growing ever closer for your heroes to earn their place among legend, but in the meantime, the rest of your pride has their own work to do trying to keep everything together....It's only going to get worse from here.

Sky prompts

"Can someone PLEASE tell Neptune to stop kicking the rock critters about. I've got enough problems without being belted in the back of the head by a screaming pebble....Anyway, how's your training going?"

Sky prompt : Day 3A

These little magical beings are causing chaos! How does your pride deal with the tiny rock creatures running about causing mayhem? Who's on "pest duty?"
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Bright purple & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sky prompt: Day 3B

They are interesting at least. We should use this opportunity to do a bit of research... Anyone want to volunteer to see what we can learn about them? Who's in charge of that, and what do they learn?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: "Sock" feet markings & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sky prompt: Day 3C

We really need to find a way to deal with these big brutes, otherwise they'll take us out before the titan even gets here... I propose traps..anyone got any plans?
Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Feathered ears & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Land prompts

The pride is restless among the chaos. Something should be done to keep the peace.

Land prompt : Day 3A
The constant attacks have demoralized some of the pride members... how does the leader in charge keep everyone inspired and hopeful?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Tan & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Land prompt: Day 3B

What is your hero doing to help against the rock creatures? Are they actively fighting them, or dismissing them to focus on their training? Why?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Paw/leg undersides & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Land prompt: Day 3C

These rock creatures are a menace...How does your pride handle fighting them? How difficult is it for them to face such an unusual foe? Who figures out a weak point, and who gets hurt in the crossfire?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Bat ears & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Sea prompts

"WOOH did you see that? I kicked that one almost a whole field- Hey at least these tiny rock monsters are a bit fun to play with..."

Sea prompt : Day 3A

No skimping on training! Your hero needs to find some armor. They have a weapon- but without any protection they'll be useless! What do they use to protect themselves? Armor, or just their natural speed or strength?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Deep blue & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sea prompt: Day 3B
Look at you! Your hero is finally making some progress, I can even count a muscle or two- What has your hero learned about themselves through training, and what part of training is their favorite/favored element?
Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Toe markings & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sea prompt: Day 3C
Surely, by now you're working on some battle plans: Do you have any ideas on how you'll go up against this titanic beast? Are you laying out a battleground...some weapons to give you an upper hand... creating battle parties? Are you going to go for its head or wait to find a weak point? Knowing the plan will help with your training!

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Fin ears & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Day 2

Your hero has gotten established in your pride/group....well, a little anyway. They know a face or two, and they can begin learning what they need to know to face the upcoming threat. Allana and Neptune have each set up small camps beside the chains that lead back to their homes, not wanting to intrude too much on unfamiliar territory- but wanting to keep an eye on the developments of the hero they'd escorted here.

The realm quakes occasionally, rhythmically. barely noticable save for the small shake of leaves from nearby trees. Something massive is coming, its presence-though far, looming in the distance. The visitors seem hopeful...but worried. They don't have that much time. And there's no telling if these land-folk can teach the hero what they need to learn... Not before the Titan arrives.

The soldiers of sky and sea both train aggressively, sometimes alone- sometimes with one another, but they all seem a little awkward towards their hosts on the land. They obviously haven't been on solid ground in a very long time...nor do they know what to make of the people who live there. They laugh at things amongst each other that sound like gibberish to your pride or group, and use tools that look foreign and strange.

Like those on land, they are preparing for a fight.

Sky prompts

"Good, it looks like you're settling in! Now its time for the real work to start. I hear the titan's still growing closer by the day... Don't you hear those massive footsteps? See the water rippling when nothing has touched it? It's eerie- isn't it?"

Sky prompt : Day 2A

Your hero should have a friend or two they can rely on. If you can't trust your teammates you'll never succeed in battle. Who (or what) becomes your hero's friend while they stay among your group/pride

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Light orange & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sky prompt: Day 2B

Your hero decides to investigate some strange crumbled rocks...inside they find some old runes. Do they try and solve them themselves? Do they break them? Ask for help translating?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Undereye tear markings (cheetah eye marks) & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sky prompt: Day 2C

Your group/pride sends a scouting mission to get a glimpse of this so-called-titan in the distance. They can hear the rumbling far off- who's brave enough to go? Who's loyal enough to be trusted? How far do they get before they give up? Do they see it through?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Shoulder feathers & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Land prompts

The territory is a bit amiss with all the mess going on. Surely- theres work to do around home for those who aren't directly working with our new hero....

Land prompt : Day 2A

How is your pride handling this news and the new imposing threat? Who's panicking? Who's handling it well? Is anyone fleeing to somewhere safer?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Reddish brown & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Land prompt: Day 2B

Assess the situation: How much damage has the earthquakes caused to the local area? Has it caused wildlife/prey to flee? Has it damaged your pride's home?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style:
Face mask (raccoon style) & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Land prompt: Day 2C

How does your pride interpret the newcomers on their land? Do they favor one city over another, or just dislike them both? Do they have a preference/bias towards one based on some element? (They're more unusual to them/they seem more aggressive/ect)

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit:
Chest and back fur edit & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Sea prompts

"That's more like it! they're on their way to being a real soldier- now's time for the training...I can give you some pointers if you like! I've trained dozens of the best soldiers the deep blue's ever seen!"

Sea prompt : Day 2A

What does your hero excel at? What is their greatest weakness? How do they address or combat those? Is it something your pride can see and try to help correct or is it something they won't know until it's too late?
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color:
Teal & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sea prompt: Day 2B
What does it mean to be a "hero" in your pride/group. How do they explain this to their guest? How does it differ from what the 'hero' already thinks? Does their explanation mean anything to the hero or change their perspective at all?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style:
Overeye (eyeshadow) & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sea prompt: Day 2C

Being a soldier isn't all fighting and wars...theres a mental part to it too. Is your hero ready for this fight? How is their confidence? How does your pride/group help them to improve or maintain that? What is their biggest fear of the situation? Failure? Disapointing others? Losing their own life? all of the above?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit:
Back fin & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Day 1

Sky prompts

"Well, what do you think? Yeah..your new hero-in-training is looking a little bland, but that's the magic's doing. They'll get their true color soon enough."

Sky prompt : Day 1A

Your hero is like a fish out of water here... why don't you do something to make them feel at home?

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color: White & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sky prompt: Day 1B

Your hero is doing their best to learn about your pride/group and what is important to them... who does the pride decide to be their teacher and why? What is the first thing they teach them?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Piebald spots & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sky prompt: Day 1C

Your hero tells your group/pride where they came from. Were they born in the sky city or sea city? What was it like for them growing up? Did they get along with their parents?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Tail feathers & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Land prompts

A new visitor has arrived....Well, I guess we've got to show them around.

Land prompt : Day 1A

Your new arrival is greeted by your group/pride, explain the pride's response

Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color: Black(near black) & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Land prompt: Day 1B

Write about the new arrival's personality, why are they here and what do they make of the situation?

Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Simple underbelly & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Land prompt: Day 1C

Your hero has come a long way, what do they think of the land? Do they look on it with disdain? Do they remain open to new possibilities? How do they view their new "pride/group/clan" mates? How does it effect how they interact with them?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Tail spines & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC

Sea prompts

"The hero isn't much to look at. They could do with some armor..and they've lost their sea-salt smell! Eugh, dirt smell. Anyway, I've got a few requests.."

Sea prompt : Day 1A

Your hero needs a tour, they have no idea what they're doing! Do they even know how to walk on land??? Help the poor thing out.
Requirement: 200 words, or 1 fullbody sketch
Reward: Color: Mid-gray & 1 AC
Alt: 2 AC

Sea prompt: Day 1B

Your hero needs to be strong! How does your pride start working to keep them ready to fight? What fighting abilities to they try and teach the newcomer?
Requirement: 400 words or 1 flatcolor fullbody
Reward: Marking style: Wavy stripes & 2 AC
Alt: 3 AC

Sea prompt: Day 1C

A good hero needs a trusty weapon! What sort of weapon does your pride/group settle on for their hero and why? A sword? Magic? Good old fashioned claws and teeth? The power of words?

Requirement: 600 words or a clean fullbody drawing with simple background
Reward: Edit: Tail fins & 2 AC
Alt: 4 AC