The Parliament

The building where the leaders of the Sky city reside is a massive one made of metal and stone, somewhat resembling an old castle. A lot looks new and refurbished, as if it had recently undergone some changes, and there are multiple officials scattered about. All of them direct you to the real one in charge, the queen.


"The apprentice magician was a traitor? I can't see I saw that coming. That kid seemed so helpless she couldn't even keep track of her own books. I don't know where her 'master' went, but I suspect she's responsible for his disappearance somehow... I'll investigate- you hurry along and inform the queen!"

Queen Elvira Walstrand

"...Lorena? By the gods, of course. She just showed up one day, I thought it was strange I had never heard of her or seen her in the city before. She wanted to be the sorcerer's apprentice and started showing off some strange magics I've never seen. I thought I was just under-informed. But if she's really an ancient sorceress out to conquer the kingdoms...You must stop her.

You have all of my soldiers at your disposal. But if the legends are to be believed, your hero will have to be the one to put an end to all of this. Whether you decide the titan must be destroyed for everyones benefit or the sorceress should be stopped, I will trust your decision. I just pray whatever choice you make, is one we can succeed in. I rather like having a place to live."



"Move along..."

Queen Elvira Walstrand

"Good, I'm glad that scroll found its way down to you. I trusted the captain to make it happen. It's quite perturbing, the information in it. It seemed to be a record of a personal individual, which makes it even more curious as to how that stone behemoth ended up with it. I wonder if the monsters were...No, even I don't want to consider that. We never were able to find many of the lost.

I was only able to translate half of it, the other half is in ancient text I can tell is from the sea kingdom. I suggest you take it down there to their royalty, surely they'll have some knowledge of it. Oh, though I wouldn't count on the king. He's got some....issues, you'll be better off with his daughter, Princess Arvia. She's the only one with half a brain in that castle.

Do send her my regards. I enjoy her company."


"A scroll? Watch where you're waving that thing- what if its enchanted with some kind of magical nonsense. Be quick, it gives me bad energy, I don't want that thing in here any longer than necessary."

Queen Elvira Walstrand

"A scroll from the old kingdom...? Interesting. Wherever did you find it...? I haven't seen one of these in ages. I heard all of them were locked away deep in the sorcerer's tower for safekeeping, all the others were lost to time. I wonder what information it holds.

Might I request you deliver it over to me? I'm probably just about the only one who can read it for you. The script is age-old, but it's one passed down my family through many generations. I can't read the whole thing for you, but I can translate some of it... The other half- well you'll have to take that to the sea kingdom. They'll know how to translate their own ancient language... I hope.

I'll have some answers for you later."


"Keep out of trouble, outsider! I'm busy keeping the queen safe from all the strange powers going on. I'm no mage- so I have to try extra hard since I have to do it the old fashioned way. I hope that weapon is treating you well- it was forged by our greatest hands up here!"

Queen Elvira Walstrand

"Hello again. You're mighty nosy, aren't you. I have my hands full with the parliament's constant arguing up here. None of them can agree on the best way to address this. I hope your leaders are being a bit more effective.... I'm the queen? Yes, but I'm not in power. The monarchy has long since swayed to elected officials. The nobles still have strong ties but everyone you see here is elected by the people... Which is great but also a thorn in my side. It was, granted, easier just bossing people around.

At any rate, We'll manage. We always do. This is just some more turbulence in the sky."


"Hey there! You must be our new recruit. Everything's pretty chaotic with everything going on, but you look like you know how to handle yourself in a fight. I'm Nyx, captain of the queensguard here, I keep everyone behaving in this place so you remember that if you decide to cause a fuss. I'll give you the boot faster than you can say meow.

Follow that path there and get suited up at the armory before you present yourself to the queen. Oh and maybe scrub off some of that land dirt, she tends to hate messes in here, and you DO want to make a good impression don't you?

Oh don't worry, I'll be with you every step of the way. That's my job, after all."

Queen Elvira Walstrand

"Hello, I am Queen Walstrand of Lehilai. Welcome to my city.....though who are you, strange visitors? I don't recall telling Allana she could send any of those beasts from the mainland up here. You're no beasts? Well you seem capable of speech, I guess that's more than I was aware of.

We don't know enough about the land, we haven't touched it in generations. Even if we can fly down there, it's full of terrible monsters out to kill us. We've had a law since before my time that we're not to touch the land, we only descend in our battles with the sea kingdom and the land is forbidden. It's been regarded for many years as far too dangerous to warrant exploring. I can't say I've seen it myself, or even really know what it's like though, My parents and their parents ruled just the same as tradition dictates. But I'm out to prove it can be done better, so perhaps I will consider a more permanent involvement with your domain at a later date....

What is it you're doing here? You want back up for fighting the titan's minions? Of course Allana would want to waste more of our supplies on her ridiculous escapade, as if we shouldn't be using them here to build weapons to face this thing... but fine. Go speak to the captain at the air brigade, he'll scrounge something up for you."