The machinery

The machinery is a massive, loud metal building with a torrent of black smoke coming from a chimney above it. It seems to be filled with all sorts of strange machines and experiments, along with tons of metal from the mines below.

Head Machinist Atwater

"Lorena? Never heard of her. But if you say she started all this? Well I don't like her. She can bite the fuzz end of my tail and get booted right off this sky island. Do something about them will you? I don't think my weapons are made for magic but if there's anything I can do don't hesitate to tell me, I'll work it together in an instant!"


Head Machinist Atwater

"Welcome back again! Just in time too, let me show you all these weapons I got for you. That one fires magic bolts..that one makes EXPLOSIONS. That one turns feathers into darts- I mean that wont work on a big rock titan know, maybe you'll find a use for it! THAT One's a catapult- perfectly sized to launch our brave self-sacrificing hero into space....THAT One will give you some pretty cool tattoos. I a bit distracted.... Theres just so many cool THINGS to make. "

Head Machinist Atwater

"A scroll? Yeah that's not for me. I'm here to work with oil and metal, not some paper and old words. Between you and me i'd rather draw my thoughts than write them anyway, I ain't much for reading anything other than instruction manuals."

he grins

"But hey if that thing has instructions on how to build a killer ancient weapon or flying machine you come back and tell me right? Then i'm your guy."

Head Machinist Atwater

"Still working on that weapon for you, my guys. The magic's making it difficult since it keeps throwing our stuff around. You know how hard it is to build a one-manned hydraulic ballista when your pieces keep sticking to the ceiling or turning into marmots? Very. Very hard. Get us some of those enchanted doo-dads from the sorcerers tower and maybe we'll work a bit faster..."

Head Machinist Atwater

"Huh? Oh, hey there. Land outsiders right? How'd you like the chain? That was my invention. Well, with the sorcerers help. You don't even want to know how long it took to get that running, I'm glad it could serve you well, We need some new blood around here, you get tired of seeing the same folks about. I know about your rock-monster problems, Let me see what I can do, just give me some time and I'll get something together that'll knock your whiskers off.

Oh- and if you don't mind, can I ask you a favor? Can you tell Allana a secret admirer misses her? Oh, no not me- one of my boys, I got a worker who's got a bit of a crush on her. He wanted me to tell her but that girl hates the smell of this place, she won't be round here anytime soon. I'll introduce you to him later, kid's a genius with a few metal scraps- he can definitely help you out."