Event shop

All event shop purchases will be posted on the main event thread.

Please use this form:

Items being purchased:
AC total used:

You can use the item(s) as soon as they are purchased, you don't have to wait for the bank to be updated. If there are issues, someone will send a message about it.

AC CAN be sold/traded. To transfer this currency, please post it on the main event thread.

Sending User:
Amount being transferred:
Receiving user:
Proof (if receiver is posting):

Event bank: Please message sixbane with any errors to be fixed.

Event bank 2021

Hero edits

Edits you can purchase to add to your hero myo


White - 5 AC

Black - 5 AC

Medium blue - 5 AC

Medium orange - 5 AC

Medium green - 5 AC

Teal - 5 AC


Cheetah spots - 10 AC

Leopard spots - 10 AC

Overeye marking (eyeshadow) - 10 AC

Paw/feet socks - 10 AC

Tiger stripes - 10 AC

Wavy stripes - 10 AC

Back stripe - 10 AC

Freckles - 10 AC


Claws - 10 AC

Teeth - 10 AC

Whiskers (shape/amount, not bauble) - 10 AC

Tail feather edit - 15 AC

Back fin edit - 15 AC

Tail fin edit - 15 AC

Medium small wings - 20 AC

Glow - 20 AC

Halo - 20 AC

Horns - 20 AC

Normal items

Edit remover - 5 AC

Growth potion - 5 AC

Seashells - Nonrarity accessory edit - use to give seashell accessories - 5 AC

Missing feathers - Nonrarity accessory edit - Use to give feather accessories - 5 AC

Basic MYO (lion or cat) - 10 AC

Edit magnifier - 10 AC

Medium trait translator - 20 AC

Soul of the sea - Special/limited Medium edit - Can be used to give a character a bubble elemental edit, making bubbles (of any color and size) follow them - 30 AC

Soul of the sky - Special/limited medium edit - Can be used to give a character a wind elemental edit, making wind currents (of any color and size) follow them - 30 AC

MYO breeding ticket - Use to breed 2 lions/cats of your choosing. You will be added to a temporary MYO nursery thread to complete it (or an artist you request added for it) . You will be responsible for growths. Staff will roll your edits/kitten/cub number. - 30 AC

Revamp ticket - Can be used to revamp a cat/lion/ect of your choosing. Traits and general colors cannot change, markings and palette can change to some extent as long as they are recognizable. - 30 AC

Species swapper - Can be used to swap one species to another. This CANNOT be reversed, as the former species will be removed from the archive/marked as deceased if it is switching arpgs. - 40 AC

Extra breeding slot - Can be used to give one lion/cat 1 extra breeding slot to a maximum of 4. Use at the time of posting ticket. - 40 AC

Three way breeding ticket - Limited breeding item - used to add an additional cat/lion into a breeding. - 50 AC

Random gene generator - Limited breeding item - Use to breed your lion or cat with a 'random' other lion/cat. This individual's traits will be randomized, along with their colors ect. Effectively, a mystery breeding. Traits can go up to large. - 50 AC

Large feather growth trait - LIMIT: max 1 per person - 50 AC

Large fish tail edit (full tail, not mer-tail; does not include legs) - LIMIT: max 1 per person - 50 AC

Unlimited medium MYO - 50 AC

Special items:
(All items below this only have 1 available.) (for my sanity pls)

All are claimed

Oceans call - Large edit (MUST be added by sixbane) - Limit: Max 1 TOTAL (one available) - 200 AC

Sky's bane - Large edit (MUST be added by sixbane) - Limit: Max 1 TOTAL (one available) - 200 AC

Custom ticket (Sixbane) - 1 unlimited medium trait/minor trait (HW) custom of any species; completed by Sixbane - Limit: Max 1 TOTAL (one available) - 200 AC

Feather transfer

You can transfer AC directly into feathers, at a rate of 1 AC = 2 white feathers.

Just note feather transfer as the item being purchased.