The slums

Ecthelion, head of the black market

"Back again are you? I heard through the kelpvine you're dealing with some ancient evil magic-cat. For the right price you can borrow some of my men...Because you know, it's bad business to have our entire way of life and cities obliterated by an angry living mountain. See I don't want that to happen, so I'm going to need you to sort this out. ASAP."


Ecthelion, head of the black market

"Hello there outsiders- you're definitely not from here. I run this place, you see, I suggest you keep on my good side. Here's one for the road, maybe you'll find somewhere to spend a penny or two here in these slums- it might look shady but I promise you they're good people..."

His toothy grin makes it quite clear he's not exactly looking out for anyones interest but his own