The caverns


today when you approach the cave, two glowing yellow eyes stare back. As you watch, a strange creature sulks out to investigate you

"You. I saw you here yesterday. You're quite the curious type. You ought not to be sneaking around the caves, there's danger in there you can't possibly're lucky I'm one of the friendlier ones. They'll smell your strange outsider scent from a mile away...the beasts don't care if you're friend or foe, you're nothing but food to them."

His eerie, waterlogged voice makes your fur stand on end. Luckily the water makes it hard to tell...right now anyway.


An empty (?) cave

Theres a deep cave that's far too dark to see into. There's no telling how deep it goes, but it seems to twist and turn into the side of the mountain. You can hear an ominous rumbling inside, as if something is waiting to pounce.

You quickly decide to explore elsewhere.