The coliseum


"A big ol' titan huh? I can't say I know what to do about that...but I know who does! I got a whole gladiator ring full of warriors ready to fight anyone and anything that moves. You say the word and I'll have them up on land ready to throw paws in a second. I have extra supplies 'round here too. All the fights here are for fun- but these weapons and armor? They're 100% real. And in good shape too. I'll even get that hero of yours ready for anything it throws at 'em."



"Welcome to the coliseum! Where sea-creatures show off their mettle and prove they're the strongest around! You're not like anyone we've ever seen, care to sign up for a fight? I hear theres some reward money if you win. But I'll warn you- our warriors are tough. You better be prepared for a battle like one you landlovers have never seen before"

He grins confidently. He's seen plenty come and go through these halls. A little scrap sounds like good training for your hero anyway."