The shrine

The shrine is an old little building nestled on a cliff beside a small deep forest. It's home to some of the only greenery here, carving its roots through hard rock but still thriving with what it can, stubbornly bringing a splash of color to this realm of metal and stone. The old building is cozy and welcoming, and smells softly sweet as you approach.

Elder Permelia

"A real shame. I thought Lorena could be a fine sorceress one day. I suppose I wasn't entirely wrong- she's quite good at magic to be taking on a titan...but at the expense of all of us in the crossfire. A fine sorceress doesn't make a fine person. She's had thousands of years to plan this... but we have our hero, and I believe in them as much as my little old heart can, I know you can find a way to fix this."


Elder Permelia

When told of what the scroll says, she simply nods gravely. Not seeming at all surprised

"Ah yes, of course. I'd heard rumors of such a thing. Of the three original kingdoms seeking unity by taking magic from the titan. I didn't know they were trying to take its whole life force though...that is perhaps.. a bit drastic. Titans are ancient beings afterall, wise to the world and very strong. Their power shouldn't be in the hands of us mortals, in my opinion. But if thats what's got it so riled up..."

she trails off

"Well, I wonder what's upset it this time. I wonder if peace could be the option."

Elder Permelia

"An old scroll...? Ahhh yes, I recognize those old emblems and notes, I can't say I know how to read it...especially with my eyesight going on me now, but I bet you anything the queen will have some ideas, its got her royal seal on it afterall...even if it is very ancient. I hope you find some answers, Landfolk, and if you do- feel free to share with an old storyteller who'd love to spread the tale of truth and legend to those around her."

Elder Permelia

"Hello again landfolk! Have you seen all this magic? It's so cute how these younglings are fussing over it, you'd think they never saw it before. This is old magic, its a nuisance but a couple dispelling lessons will get you right through it. I do love watching them scramble a little though...I've heard of this before though, the titan having some magic. I hoped it would give us more time, but its reach is large....I can't make it stop, but maybe you can use this to buy a treat, that'll cheer you right up."

Elder Permelia

"Oh hello landfolk! I was wondering when you'd find your way here. I heard rumors of you wandering about the city. How is training your hero going? I picked them out myself you know, I hope they're impressing you. Me? I'm the eldest among our wisefolk! I pass down ancient stories and teach the younglings at times, I was the one who recalled forth the legends of the titan that brought you here in the first place. Don't worry, this prophecy is pretty solid, you'll be fine. While you're about, will you tell my daughter Allana to write to her mother sometime? What's that? I'm a lion? Of course I am! She's adopted. Don't tell her that though."

The old lioness smiles knowingly