Everybody has a little bit of the sun and moon in them. Everybody has a little bit of man, woman, and animal in them. Darks and lights in them. Everyone is part of a connected cosmic system. Part earth and sea, wind and fire, with some salt and dust swimming in them. We have a universe within ourselves that mimics the universe outside. None of us are just black or white, or never wrong and always right. No one. No one exists without polarities. Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them, and within them.
-PART SUN AND MOON by Suzy Kassem

Brief event rules/notes

  • The shop will be open at the end of the event, and last until a date that will be announced when it opens.

  • This event centers around users Hero myos, and a lot of elements revolve around it. It's recommended you get one, but you are not required to do so.

  • NO elements of the event need to be/remain canon in your pride/group/story unless you want them to be. You can consider it an AU/alternate universe- or just write /similar equivalents/ in your own world or story as long as they still roughly follow the prompt/request and meet the requirements listed.

  • Your currency for the shop for this event is Ancient Coins!

The sky darkens

The world of the Valley, and its deep overarching woods has been peaceful for years, recovering from the arrival their last unworldly visitor. But the time of peace has come to an end.

The earth has been rumbling, strangely- suspiciously. The ground underfoot has roiled with a deep unrest for days. Most wrote it off as pointless tremors of the earth, some shifting somewhere beyond their knowledge or care. They ignored it with the assumption the world would right itself, as it always had and always would, but it continued. First separated by days, the shaking of the soil underpaw became more and more frequent. Separated by hours. Minutes. Seconds.

It felt like the world itself quaked in anticipation....or anger. Threatening your pride and group with a new disruption to their normalcy.

As suddenly as they'd come, the rumbles stop.

And sky darkens. Turning an ashen grey and then black, before alighting with a deep orange hue. An unnatural presence of something supernatural and beyond their knowledge purveys their every senses.

Ancient magic flows into the land, and a high outcropping in the groups territory begins to glow. A beacon. A target.

A gargantuan crash slams the earth as a massive chain forged of age-old blackmetal is spurned from somewhere in the clouds, drilling itself into the outcrop with a tremendous shatter, straight into the marker of light. It lodges itself deep into the stone, and does not budge. Forming a bridge into the chaotic sky above.

And all falls silent.

The sea churns

Almost as if encouraged by the rattle from above, another anomaly begins to emerge from the deep waters. Sea, lake, river, it all begins to churn in disarray. The water itself boiling in response to the scene it seemed to have witnessed.

The water's surface beams black, the reflective mirror it always was despite its recoiling, impervious to the plight of creatures around it. Something is amiss with the deep.

A light begins to glow with golden energy, somewhere beyond sight.....far, far in the depths.

The world rattles again. Another chain has emerged from the sea, slamming upward into a rock face. Adjacent, within view of the previous chain. Dripping with salt water, it locks into place, unbudging despite the chaos around it.

Two chains leading to the sky and sea have taken hold in your territory. Unusual, most certainly...but then strangers from another land begin to walk upon them. Following these new bridges to reach the haven of land that has- finally, fallen still.

The rumbling has stopped....for now.

But things do not seem right.

The first to approach is a strange lion, smelling aggressively like salt water, barnacles litter his silver armor and his fur drips heavily. He looks around, mystified. The land is fascinating to someone who has never walked upon it. A plethora of guards in silver armor trail along behind him, joining him on this excursion.

Seeing your group/pride members he blinks, before offering a respectful salute. Something that means nothing to your territory...but is respectful in his eyes.

"Ho' there! You must be the locals..." he clears his throat a little. Speaking like this, in the air instead of the sea- well its a little different.

"Good, Just what we were looking for. See, we need your help. There is an ancient prophecy that demands your cooperation.""Whats that? What will happen if you say no? Well, the world will be ripped apart by an angry titan, for one. So I would highly recommend....and prefer you hear us out. I don't really want to see if there's somewhere lower to sink in the world than the deepest sea."

"....Where has Allana gone?"

"...I'm right here, you tin tuna can."

While your group was distracted with the visitors from the sea, the denizens of the sky had also made their way across the bridge opposite that of the sea. A tall and stern cat with neatly kept wings close tight to her back. The fact that her entourage ranged from winged to flightless-with-feathers made it clear why the bridge was needed.

"As Neptune here has already explained. We're here to request your aid. This is nice and simple. We already did all the hard part....What with ending our eternal war and calling a truce. Now all you have to do, is do your part"

"Now sit around, its story time, earthwalkers."

"See this tale starts eons ago, long before you would remember it. The land has always been the largest kingdom of the world, expansive... and with so many living upon it- most certainly the quickest to forget. But our cities have not."

"In ancient days, the kingdoms of sea, land, and sky were one. We all walked this shore just as you do, and called it our home. They were three separate kingdoms, but they didn't like each other very much..."

" They fought constantly...and their fighting had the mistake of causing a terrible error.... We long have forgotten what that error was, but it infuriated the great titan Epinoim."

Neptune interjects, to Allana's obvious annoyance

"And Epinoim's great plan was to send the kingdoms so far away from one another- they couldn't war anymore!" he huffs, as if offended.

"Well that worked for a while, I guess. But we were still angry. We just blamed each other for causing the titan to attack us. The sea and sky continued to war, in the raging storms you saw in the far distance, the battles upon the centers of the ocean."

"But the titan has woken up...and he was definitely not pleased that we were still at war...So well, fun luck, he's coming this way again to finish the job."

"But our ancients have told us there is one way we can appease him...by finding harmony among the kingdoms. By creating a great hero that represents the hopes and honor of us all. Only they can truly defeat the titan and save all our pelts from being smashed to smithereens."

"So, after deciding the time for war was over, we worked together to start that.... We've chosen a youngling perfect for this. They grew up in one of our kingdoms...and were educated in another. They know both of our lands... Now what they need, is to learn yours. Teach them what the land can offer.

"...Right" Allana takes over again.

"This hero needs to learn what's important to you...about your society. They need to learn anything you can teach them. They have been forged by us both, and you need to provide the final touches that truly creates a hero of legend....for all our sakes."

"I know not what power this hero will gain from this.. honestly- its a load of nonsense to me. But the elders say it'll work, and its not like I've got better ideas for stopping a worldending rock titan. So we're doing it. I'll slap you with my wings if you say no, so do think hard about your answer."

She waves her wings threateningly. It's probably some sort of attempt at a joking threat.

"Ah, here comes our new hero now.....Lets see how they choose to introduce themselves.."