The docks

There are massive wooden docks at the southern side of the island, apparently as a landing pad for the flying members of their cities, though it looked like they used to have another purpose. The wood is strong and sturdy- but ancient, and obviously these used to be used for something like ships instead, long before the city ended up here.

Osgood Latimer

"Of course! She's that evil sorceress....How did I know about that? Well I'm the head detective here, I saw her acting suspiciously about the time the titan woke. It started when the sorcerer disappeared... I kept an eye on her and saw her using portals to leave this place- no idea where she went, but that must have been what she was doing. I need her in custody now- she has questions to answer....

That wand she carries- its how she channels her magic. Get rid of that thing, and we're rid of her. She won't make it easy but I'll bet you anything that's the key.

Do me a favor and bring her in, would you? I'd do it myself, but I don't stand a chance against real magic."


Osgood Latimer

The fox is back and you finally have a chance to talk to him

"Good, I see. You got my note."

He seems perpetually annoyed

"Lorena is involved with this. I can feel it. I just don't know how. I've seen her sulking down to land in the middle of the night. I haven't seen the sorcerer in weeks... You have to find him. He has to know something."

as quick as he's there, he picks up and leaves with a sweep of his wings.

..Definitely not the talkative type.


There's noone here.....but you feel like someone is watching you.


Theres a winged fox sitting alone on the docks, sulking at the end of one with his great white wings folded behind his back. When the group approaches, he turns to give them a stare that could kill, daring them to come closer.

He doesn't seem interested in talking...maybe we'll try back later