The caves

A long stairwell south of the machinery leads down a dangerous looking stone pathway to some caves created in the hollow of the floating land. It seems like they stretch deep within and the cave is rich with minerals and metals- surely where the sky city gets its resources. The thunk of metal on metal makes it clear the mining excavations are going on somewhere deep inside, but there are some darker paths leading into deeper caves that obviously are uninhabited...maybe something interesting is hidden there.


"Lorena? Oh, I remember her. I've sold some magical objects to her over the years. She seemed ditzy but not a problem... I really hope nothing I sold her contributed to this, my artifacts are for science and display- not for evil magick-ry! I didn't spend years prying them out of a cold dark cave for them to destroy my home!"



"I got more of that stuff sorted out for you! Heres your cut for today!"


"I sorted through all that old rubble you dug up yesterday! Most of it wasn't of stuff that would be of any use to you, nothing magical anyway, but I polished up some old devices and sold them for a pretty penny- here's your cut of the work. Do feel free to keep digging deeper though... I get the feeling you were real close to something amazing."


"You want to look for magical artifacts deep in the caves? Sure you do. Everyone does. It's dangerous down there though...what with them being magic caves. They change at will, drop you at random, can close you in- you know. If you've got anyone brave enough, and take a I can surely let you borrow some of my gear, Just promise to show me anything cool you find..."


"I've gotten my own treasure map carved out here-- don't think you can trick me out of my prize! But maybe there are other areas of the cave that have other nice things for you? Don't bang your head, and make sure you have a good shovel! "