The castle

The cowardly king, Tamesis

"MAGIC? I dont know any magic, I cant POSSIBLY help with magic- but you know who DOES know magic? THE SEA SERPENTS. That's the real plot! Their master plan! They can use magic and turn invisible, that's why I can't prove they exist!

They're out to overthrow the monarchy by convincing everyone I've gone mad! You won't win that easily, YOU HEAR ME SERPENTS, YOU HEAR ME"

He shakes his paw at the sky. You sneak away while he isn't looking.

The princess, Arvia

"I wish my translation didn't deliver such dour news. I don't know if I can be much help beyond that- unfortunately magic is out of my area of expertise and you really won't have much luck finding mages down here. My people believe in physical strength...magic is cheating. So if you want to go one on one with a giant titanbeast you're in luck, but we won't be much help against magespells.

Regardless, you have my full support.... don't worry about my father, he'll do whatever I say. I promise I'm the real one in charge here. Even if some people like to argue otherwise."


The cowardly king, Tamesis

"Who are you? Outsiders from the land? I haven't seen any landwalkers before! Listen, on your way down did you see any sea serpents? I hear my kingdom is full of them..when they told me they were leaving to go to land I was TERRIFIED they'd get gobbled up by the beasts- I tell ya' , they're out to get me, me and all my people. You gotta do something!"

He abruptly screams, scrambling in his throne. And startling all the nearby guards.

"AAH SEA SERPENT... Wait, no. Kelp. That's kelp."

theres the shadow of kelp moving around outside the palace windows. He adjusts himself and coughs, trying to play off his small overdramatics.

"Yes. Well, keep an eye out for those things."

The princess, Arvia

"Oh, hello there. I heard word that landfolk were heading down to visit us. And that you had something for us- that scroll, bring it here. My father won't know what to do with it. He's married in- he didn't get my training in ancient languages... So you're wasting your time if you want him to decipher it. Hand it over to me and I'll have that translated for you in no time at all."

She nods pensively. At your mention of the sky queen's regards, she seems a little flustered and quickly hurries off to get to work on translating the ancient text for you.