The air brigade headquarters

The headquarters of the air brigade, enforcers and hunters of the sky city is situated on some freefloating rocks just aside the city. A long chain makes it possible to carefully climb over, for those unfortunate enough to not have wings.

Captain Lawrence Osborne

"Lorena's behind this? She's HOW old? Geez I thought she was younger than me, she looks like a kitten still, it must be all that powerful ancient titan magic... No wonder the big ol' rock thing is so upset, I would be too if someone was trying to steal my life force- what does Lorena even want with it? You know what, Not my problem. Above my paygrade. I'm just going to worry about huntin' birds from now on."


Captain Lawrence Osborne

"I heard the queen got that scroll sorted out for you! Even asked me to choose someone to deliver it. How curious- I didn't know the queen could read ancient gibberish. But you always learn, right? I hope it doesn't hold anything that would completely destroy our understanding of history or anything....

...Haha, right?"

Captain Lawrence Osborne

"A scroll? How strange! Well I definitely can't read that magic stuff. I'll bet someone over at the wizard's tower could help you out..maybe anyway. If it really is one of the ancient archives from the old kingdom then who knows what it says..."

Captain Lawrence Osborne

"How's it going! How are my cats down there suiting you? They making it easier for you with all those rock monsters? Good, I'm glad. Weird on the magic stuff though. We're not getting as much of it up here but theres definitely some weird shenanigans going on. I went to eat my dinner and it vanished almost instantly! Though that might have just been a case of really hungry and not ancient titan magic. Eitherway, it was still weird!"

Captain Lawrence Osborne

"He-YooO! How goes there! Ooh, you're mighty weird looking. You ain't from around here are ya? Not from the sea either, best I can guess. Oh, me? I'm Captain Lawrence Osborne. Well, Everyone calls me Cap'n Borne. I can't fly like my spiffy teammates here but I'm a great sky director! I stay here and handle sending everyone out to their duties, yeah! So what's it you're looking for, strangers?.... Allana wants more hands on deck for some rock beasts? Well I ain't ever seen a rock beast, but you can bet I can find someone willing to go after one! Got some real firey recruits up around here. Listen, you tell her I'll get her some scrappers that'll give her a run for her money! I may not be able to fly, but these boys got WINGS. Hey maybe if you ask real nice, they'll give you some lessons. I hear your hero could use an edge"