The town square

The town square is bustling with activity this time of day, full of market stalls and chattering citizens rambling obliviously about the day's events without a care in the world. Your visiting characters certainly catch eyes- their lack of feathers makes them stick out like a sore thumb.

Portia Tremaine

"Lorena? OH I know Lorena. She came here sometimes to buy things she wanted to enchant and candles for like, magic stuff. I didn't know she was evil...if I did- I wouldn't have given her that discount!"


Portia Tremaine

"Welcome to the shop! Is there anything I can help you with? Perhaps some feathers or fabrics, or a jewel or two from deep in the mines? Oh, or if you're in the mood for something fancy, I'll help you try on some of those fancy collars enchanted from the best of our mages!"

she seems uncomfortable, leaning over she whispers in a hushed tone

"My boss is watching, act natural or get outta here-"

Portia Tremaine

"Hello again! What's that fancy doodad you're walking around with? An ancient scroll? Well I certainly can't read it, but hey as long as you don't tell my boss I'll give you a pretty penny for it- I bet I could make a fortune on pawning it off to the queen! Enough to start my own shop even. Then i'd be my own boss, and be able to be lazy on my terms. Er...did I say lazy? I meant..... Hire someone to do my work so I can focus on the important work."

Portia Tremaine

Portia seems a little frazzled

"OH YOU, GREAT, you're here! Thank the gods. Look, I need you to get that shelf- and that one- and oh gosh NOT THE GLASS. All the things in my store are walking around and dropping themselves off things! I watched three cups shatter themselves on the floor! This is absolutely awful for making a profit, plus MY BOSS IS GOING TO KILL ME. Everyones running around in a panic and you're the only ones here that seem to have their heads still together!"

Portia Tremaine

"Who are you? I know everyone around here!..... You're from the ground? How cool, Listen, you got any neat stuff I could buy off you? I bet I could make a killing on real land-stuff! Listen, don't tell my boss I'm spending company coins on this. I haven't exactly been selling very much at the shop, I just get distracted easy okay..."