Hero MYO Info

Everyone participating is permitted to make ONE hero MYO for this event. But there are some stipulations- so make sure to read!

You can create your hero myo yourself, or enlist someone else to do it for you.

It should be done on oekaki, BUT if you want to do it off oekaki
-You can, but it must be posted somewhere that I can add a comment that can be edited! (Such as toyhouse, or DA.) And linked on the MYO thread with the provided form so that it can be approved later.

Each MYO will start with NO MARKINGS and NO EDITS. A total blank slate.
When you post this myo, you may choose a few things
-ANY base color you want (Color in the hero species of your choice FULLY with this base color, and no markings) This can be unnatural colors, You CAN change this later as you work with the design, as long as its to a color you have unlocked

-ANY Eye color that you want (Color in the eyes with their eye color- this CANNOT be changed)
-And three ADDITIONAL colors on the palette circles, of your choosing. These colors are colors you can use later with your MYO. These can be unnatural colors, these three cannot be changed later.
-You can use either background you want. It doesn't effect anything.
-Add this form when posting!:
Username: (Who the MYO is for)
Character name: The hero's name of course!
Pride/group link:

You'll post the MYO under the thread with these qualifiers: Then what?

Your hero will be 'accepted'.
When I post on the thread that it is accepted, you can start completing prompts to earn new edits, new colors, and new features to add to your myo!
Under the accepted post, I'll begin editing in elements you have unlocked to add to the myo. (Through participating in other games in the event)
Depending on what factions you chose to aid: You can unlock colors/edits/ect that apply to that faction!

You do NOT have to use every element that is unlocked. You can utilize them at your preference.
*note that once unlocked, you can use marking styles ANYWHERE in the design. Color/markings are vague and meant to be loosely interpreted- so some flexibility for those is allowed.

Example post:
Allowed extra colors:

White, Dark blue, Purple, Orange
Allowed extra edits:
Fur edit, tail shape edit:
Allowed marking styles:
Speckles, Leopard spots, Tiger stripes
Allowed additions:
Unnatural markings

When you unlock these elements: You can change your MYO at ANY time. Which means, you can add them as soon as you get them- rework as you like, or wait until the event is over and make the MYO based on what you've unlocked! MYOs become closed to editing/locked in on October 1st, at which point they'll be officially approved.

Before approval, they cannot breed and do not count toward your lion/cat/ect count. (They've got hero work to do! No time for a family juuuust yet). You can transfer them to the official lines once they are approved.

Note that the heroes do NOT have to follow the storyline if you don't want them to, but you'll still need to complete prompts to unlock things for them. (Prompts will be flexible so at least some or most should be complete-able without the story involved.