
Automated data analysis enables free systematic evidence-based decision-making and reporting in SBC

DECEMBER 2021 - At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in Somalia, monitoring and evaluation of Social and Behavior Change (SBC) interventions at various levels was challenging.

Movement restrictions and lack of face-to-face interaction made it difficult to ensure quality of training, implementation of safety protocols and interpersonal communication for and by social mobilizers.

As an opportunity for innovation, Somalia Country Office designed six digitized and automized offline data collection and analysis tools using Open Data Kit (ODK) surveys to support the process.

Linked to power BI dashboards, the tools would automatically analyze survey-based data collected from social mobilizers, supervisors and RCCE partners minimizing face-to-face contact while strengthening the potential for rapid data analysis and action.

The ODKs developed cover supportive supervision and monitoring, Intervention monitoring, rumour tracking and output monitoring.

Some of the results realised include use of evidence-based advocacy for RCC, improved cross-sectoral reporting and improved compliance monitoring. Challenges faced in the process have included capacity and motivation to manage the software in the field due to scarcity of mobile devices and internet connectivity at the community level.

For more information, contact Shah Jamal Akhlaque,, SBC Chief, Somalia CO

Photo: ©UNICEF/UN0537707/Taxta