
Partnership with Tanzania Association of the Deaf (CHAVITA) to Promote COVID-19 Vaccine Demand among People with Special Needs

January 2023 The deaf population is a linguistic minority, using sign language as their primary mode of communication. Besides, most of them lack formal education. Therefore, it is hard for them to access the common COVID-19 vaccine message which is transmitted through formal awareness channels such as television and radio. To reach the deaf community with COVID-19 information and prevention measures particularly vaccine uptake, UNICEF Tanzania in partnership with the Tanzania Association of the Deaf (CHAVITA) implemented the “COVID-19 Vaccine Demand Promotion: Improved awareness and confidence on COVID-19 preventive measures including the Deaf population in Tanzania programme” in three regions of Tanzania (Arusha, Mwanza and Mbeya) for 6 months in 2022.

With the support of UNICEF, CHAVITA conducted a workshop on the Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) and Gender-based Violence (GBV) and training on COVID-19 community engagement and risk communication (RCCE) for capacity building of staff and volunteers including sign language interpreters. A special orientation session was held for 10 sign language interpreters to impart skills on COVID-19 terminology signs to deliver key messages to the deaf community. 10,000 Tanzania basic Sign Language communication booklets were designed and printed out by CHAVITA to facilitate duty bearers' fast learning and proper usefulness of sign language. 2,753 children and youths including 560 deaf students were reached in after-school programs and youth dialogues on COVID-19 and RCCE. Easy-to-read and user-friendly educational materials were widely shared via social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp etc).

The findings of the evaluation have shown a remarkable positive change specifically in increasing awareness raising among the deaf community. More than 4,500,000 people including 6,745 deaf people were reached with knowledge of COVID-19 vaccination in project target districts. Through established feedback mechanisms, 750,000 people shared concerns and asked questions and clarifications for available services to address their needs. Overall, the percentage of people vaccinated on the spot during community events made up 44.40% of all those who were in attendance and recorded.

For more information, please contact Awet Araya, aaraya@unicef.org, Communication for Development Specialist, UNICEF Tanzania.

Photo: © UNICEF/UN0662863/Tibaweswa