
Spot it! Stop it! Changing attitudes and behaviours related to violence against children in Kenya

JULY 2021 - The Spot it! Stop it! Campaign was launched with the aim to raise awareness about what constitutes violence against children in Kenya and inform people how to prevent it, how and where to report cases. Particularly innovative, the campaign engaged over 3,000 boda boda riders to wear Spot it, Stop it reflector jackets with the anonymous VAC reporting hotline. Engaging this group of largely male youth brings the issue of violence against children into the public sphere in a very deliberate and open way while challenging prevailing assumptions about boda boda riders.

ESARO C4D Works!_Kenta_VAC Spot It Stop It campaign_2021.pdf

For more information, contact Massimiliano Sani, and Akiko Sakaedani Petrovic,
