
Nurturing Care for Early Childhood Development - Social Behaviour Change Communication Package

June 2024 Early Childhood Development is a complex and crucial process that encompasses the sequential development of various skills and capacities including cognitive, physical, language, motor, socioemotional, and regulatory skills in children from birth to eight years old. Providing proper care and support during these early years, especially from birth to three years old, lays a strong foundation for lifelong well-being, academic success, and economic prosperity that will endure throughout a child's life stages. To ensure children reach their full potential, they require nurturing care, which refers to the essential conditions that allow communities and caregivers to promote children's good health, nutrition, security, safety, responsive caregiving, and early learning opportunities.

Kenya has embraced the Nurturing Care Framework to improve early childhood development (ECD) for children aged 0-8 years. In order to implement this framework effectively, a supportive environment has been established through the implementation of a national ECD policy and an Advocacy Strategy. Collaborative efforts have been made by stakeholders from various sectors at both national and county levels to create a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) package aimed at promoting appropriate nurturing care practices among caregivers and their social influencers.

Please see the SBCC package, which includes key strategic documents and communication materials.

For more information, please contact Akiko Sakaedani, and Jayne Kariuki,