UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa 

Regional Office Social and Behavior 

Change (SBC) Newsletter 


This newsletter begun in 2020 to share experiences and knowledge products relating to the COVID-19 RCCE response. Now, the newsletter shares regional experiences and innovations in SBC/RCCE, newly available data, tools, resources and publications, both on COVID-19 RCCE response and on an expanded scope.

The Social and Behavior Change (SBC) Section provides oversight, guidance and technical support in the Eastern and Southern Africa region on communication for social and behavior change. UNICEF SBC programmes empower communities and facilitate positive social and behavioural change for children and families. In collaboration with Health, Nutrition, HIV/AIDS, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Education, Child Protection, and Social Protection, SBC contributes to achieve goals for children set out in the UNICEF Strategic Plan and the Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Priorities. Further, SBC contributes to the achievement of SDGs # 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13 and 16.

Sectoral interventions supported by SBC programming are much more effective at influencing the choices and decisions made by policy-makers, service providers, organizations, communities, families, children and young people by generating increased demand for basic services and creating greater awareness of the need for enhanced coverage and quality of services.

In UNICEF, SBC is guided by the Behavioural Drivers Model (BDM) and the Journey to Health and Immunization, which help diagnose and analyze what drives a behaviour, design effective interventions targeting those drivers, and measure the achievements of such interventions in the field.