Qualitative Research Training to Inform Programme Strategies

February 2024 To ensure that UNICEF can effectively translate qualitative research data into actionable recomendations and interventions, UNICEF ESARO SBC hosted a qualitative research capacity-building session (recording) in November 2023 and proposed a series of practical tools that can aid in the implementation and supervision of qualitative research for informing programs. These tools offer comprehensive guidance, spanning various sectors, to help Country Offices (COs) overcome key challenges encountered during the supervision of a qualitative research process. To support more targeted data collection efforts going forward, the training focused on starting with the end goal in mind (how do we want to use this data) and working backwards from there to inform the approach. The ultimate goal is to ensure that the data collected can be utilized to benefit children.

These tools include:

1.     What should be included in the ToR when hiring qualitative research consultants.

2.     What should be included in a qualitative data collection plan.

3.     What should be included in a qualitative research report.

4.     What types of questions to anticipate in a qualitative data collection tool

For more information, please contact Francine Elvia Ganter Restrepo,