Eastern and Southern Africa

C4D Checklists to Enhance the Articulation of SBCC in Country Programmes

APRIL 2021 - In 2019, UNCEF ESARO undertook a diagnostic assessment to identify the programmatic settings and operational conditions under which C4D or SBCC thrives. The assessment highlighted that a main challenge observed is suboptimal articulation of C4D/SBCC into the foundational documents of the country programme (CP). Overall, results of SBCC interventions remain largely unmeasured since most indicators focus on measuring inputs or processes.

In response to a September 2019 recommendation from ESAR Deputy Representatives, the ESARO C4D section developed a series of checklists to guide Country Offices in strengthening the articulation of SBCC components in the country programme cycle.

The package includes the following checklists:

  1. Mainstreaming Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) into the Situation Analysis

  2. Integrating Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) in Programme Strategy Notes (PSNs)

  3. Developing a Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) Strategic Programme Articulation Note (SPAN)

  4. Integrating Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) in Country Programme Evaluations (CPE)

  5. Integrating Social and Behaviour Change Communication (SBCC) in Programme Cooperation Agreements (PCAs)

As many similar issues are found around the articulation of Accountability to Affected People (AAP) in UNICEF humanitarian and development programming, you can also find stand-alone AAP Checklists here.

The ESARO team is available to organize specific orientation with country teams to facilitate the use of these checklists. We are eager to receive feedback and to learn about Country Office experiences employing the checklists.

View the checklists in French here.

For more information, please contact Natalie Fol, nfol@unicef.org

and Massimiliano Sani, masani@unicef.org