Battle 7 - Treachery at Ottega

As you finally locate and trap the late Admiral Harkov's remaining fleet, Grand Admiral Zaarin launches a coup attempt by trying to kill both Lord Vader and the Emperor himself.




Destroy the Protector

Description: After finally trapping the late Admiral Harkov's fleet in orbit of a gas giant, it's time to put an end to these traitors once and for all.

Player Craft: TIE Advanced

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

TIE Defender

Description: Defend Lord Vader and the ISD Devastator as you are caught in another ambush by the traitor Zaarin.

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles

Save the Emperor

Description: Save the Emperor from Zaarin's attempted coup d'état. Fly the TIE Defender against a variety of Imperial craft. You must save the Emperor!

Player Craft: TIE Defender

Default Warheads: Advanced Concussion Missiles