Key Area 4

(c) Neurotransmitter effect on mood & behaviour

Something to Read...

Open the document below and read the mandatory course notes provided by SQA for this Key Area. You may wish to use your home learning time to copy these notes into a jotter or choose a digital presentation format that suits your learning style.

CfE Higher Human Biology Unit 3, KA4c

Something to Watch...

I have included a wider range of video to watch for this topic. However, Crash Course is a great place to start to get a good overview. Neuroscience Basics gives a short overview of the reward pathway. Click the white button below to see how monkeys have been used to understand how social hierarchy affects the reward pathway - what might the consequences of lower social standing be?

Something to look at...

Increased levels of endorphins are linked to the feelings of pleasure obtained from activities such as eating, sex and prolonged exercise.

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that induces feelings of pleasure and reinforces particular behaviour by activating the reward pathway in the brain.

The reward pathway involves neurons which secrete or respond to dopamine. The reward pathway is activated when an individual engages in a behaviour that is beneficial to them, e.g. eating when hungry.

Something to do...

Go to SCHOLAR to access the content shown in the image opposite.

You are now ready for your in-class lesson on the effect of neurotransmitters on mood and behaviour.

You can now move onto Key Area 4d, looking at neurotransmitter-related disorders.