Problem Solving

Problem Solving Questions

"That exam was full of problem solving, Miss!" If I had a pound for every time I heard that, I'd be a rich woman by now. The truth is, there is approximately the same proportion of these questions in the exam paper every year, as shown in the image below. You will see that between 25-35 marks will relate to problem solving questions. A minimum of 25 marks will relate to questions that require you to apply your knowledge to new contexts.

AH Exam Breakdown

The questions in this section will help support your confidence in these areas. I have selected 15 multiple choice questions and 24 short-answer questions from SQA past exam papers (2016-2019). This results in a total of 45 marks. The questions featured include problem solving questions and a few "application of knowledge" questions.

The answers are available in the second Google Slide deck. I will include some YouTube tutorial videos to help you see how particular answers are reached - this takes a wee bit longer but I will start working on this soon.

AH Problem Solving Bio Coach
AH Problem Solving Bio Coach ANSWERS