Key Area 6

(b) The cardiac cycle

The heart is a powerful muscle, cycling between contractions and relaxations. This affects movement of the blood through the chambers of the heart. In this part of Key Area 6, we look at how the structure of the heart facilitates the cardiac cycle.

Something to Read...

Open the document below and read the mandatory course notes provided by SQA for this Key Area. You may wish to use your home learning time to copy these notes into a jotter or choose a digital presentation format that suits your learning style.

CfE Higher Human Biology Unit 2, KA6b

Something to Watch...

Something to look at...

The diagram below shows the cycle of diastole and systole during one heart contraction. This is called the cardiac cycle.

During diastole, blood returning to the atria flows into the ventricles.

Atrial systole transfers the remainder of the blood through the atrio-ventricular (AV) valves to the ventricles.

Ventricular systole closes the AV valves and pumps the blood out through the semi lunar (SL) values to the aorta and pulmonary artery.

In diastole, the higher pressure in the arteries closes the SL valves.

Something to do...

Go to SCHOLAR to access the content shown in the image opposite.

You are now ready for your in-class lesson on the cardiac cycle.

You are now ready to move onto Key Area 6c: The cardiac conducting system.