Key Area 3

(c) Physical and chemical methods of contraception

In this final part of Key Area 3, we apply our knowledge of reproductive biology to contraception - what are the physical and chemical methods of contraception and can we explain the biological basis of each method?

Something to Read...

Open the document below and read the mandatory course notes provided by SQA for this Key Area. You may wish to use your home learning time to copy these notes into a jotter or choose a digital presentation format that suits your learning style.

CfE Higher Human Biology Unit 2, Key Area 3c

Something to Watch...

Something to look at...

Check out the Daily Lesson from BBC Bitesize, focusing on Contraception and fertility treatment.

An intrauterine device is a physical method of contraception

Tubal ligation in females involves cutting or closing each oviduct. This is the female form of sterilisation

Something to do...

Go to SCHOLAR to access the content shown in the image opposite.

You are now ready for your in-class lesson on the physical and chemical methods of contraception. Remember to bring any questions or queries with you.

You are now ready to move onto Key Area 4: Antenatal and postnatal screening.