Planning for Remote Learning

This playbook from Transcend lays the foundation for a leadership team to create a vision for the 2020-21 school year and set up structures for implementation

Extensive guidance from CCSSO on planning, launching, and sustaining remote instruction

This set of toolkits from the School Resource Hub provides leaders with guidance and tools to create, implement, and refine reopening plans with a focus on equity

This tool from LearnLaunch guides leaders to identify their system's assets and gaps and access resources and examples to support planning for remote instruction

From the Education Endowment Foundation, a collection of research focused on best practices for supporting students to learn remotely that leaders can use when creating and communicating remote learning plans

Planning framework from Los Angeles County Schools outlining a process for creating a comprehensive plan for remote and hybrid instruction

This guide from Transcend provides stages and timelines for school transformation for the 2020-21 school year and beyond

This blueprint from Education Next incorporates levels of decision-making and guides school leaders to design specific questions to ask their leaders

This roadmap from catalyst:ed is designed to help leaders make sense of key actions starting with the launch of remote learning, finishing the school year and planning for summer and beyond

Created by the Texas Learning Exchange, this guide contains strategies for the whole child, including building community relationships when distance is a factor and strategies for virtual instruction

A collection of resources from New Leaders designed to help educators plan proactively for remote instruction

Sample Remote Instruction Plans