Lever 2

Effective, Well-Supported Teachers

Campus leadership retains effective, well-supported teachers by strategically recruiting, selecting, assigning, and building the capacity of teachers so that all students have access to high-quality resources.

Power Move 2B: Provide ongoing professional development to support the skill building of remote teaching aligned to instructional materials and remote community building

Objective: Build the capacity of your teachers to execute high-quality instruction and create culture to engage students remotely

Click here for a detailed description of this Power Move

Examples, resources, and tools to help make the shift

Instructional Coaching

Prioritized virtual instruction look-fors and walkthrough tool, created by NIET and aligned to the T-TESS Rubric

This note-taking template from NIET includes look-fors for virtual student engagement

This guide from NIET contains virtual instruction strategies for teachers and tools for coaches as they support virtual learning

Danielson framework for remote instruction, including look-fors and implementation suggestions for synchronous and asynchronous learning

Article from Edutopia offering concrete strategies for remote coaching

Infographic from Better Lesson detailing how coaching best practices translate to a virtual setting

Guide by Better Lesson mapping out the key components for successful virtual coaching

Coaching look-fors from New Leaders to support virtual instructional rounds

Look-fors, including student and educator actions, to support high-quality personalized learning, with considerations for virtual and blended models

Professional Development

Research from the Learning Accelerator about the design of platforms and virtual experiences for working adult learners

Google sheet, created by the Learning Accelerator, designed for educators and teams to assess and discuss their readiness for blended learning

A compilation of over 400 categorized online professional development courses offered by Digital Promise

This toolkit from the Center for Education Policy Research provides practical guidance and tools for educators to use to develop teachers' skillsets in a virtual setting

Blog post from the Learning Accelerator sharing ways to connect effective, research-based, online design to personalize PD, including concrete examples and resources

BINGO board from Cedar Rapids School District used to encourage staff to try new digital literacy strategies

Case study and resources from Cisco ISD, compiled by the Learning Accelerator, focused on supporting teachers to implement blended learning

More Resources to Support Instructional Coaching: