Lever 2

Effective, Well-Supported Teachers

Campus leadership retains effective, well-supported teachers by strategically recruiting, selecting, assigning, and building the capacity of teachers so that all students have access to high-quality resources.

Power Move 2C: Recruit highly effective teachers with remote instructional experience and/or comfort

Objective: Ensure incoming teachers have the skills to be effective remote instructors

Click here for a detailed description of this Power Move

Examples, resources, and tools to help make the shift


Guide from TNTP that includes resources and best practices for virtually recruiting, selecting, and hiring the diverse and effective educators your students need

This report from the Learning Accelerator provides strategies and tips for recruiting for remote teaching

This guide from the the Learning Accelerator contains ideas and resources to help onboard new teachers remotely

This 3-part series from the Learning Accelerator maps out how to engage new teachers in the why and how to build understanding of the school and community in a remote setting


Blog post from ESS with strategies to support and engage substitutes during remote teaching

Edutopia article on innovative strategies for identifying substitute teachers