
Fancy Goods Store

Most of the marble has been used in the Fancy Goods store. This is in what used to be the lobby of the casino (the area having been divided between the store and the buffet restaurant).

This store is opulence to the next level, with most of the fancy statues from the ruins of the casino being used to hold merchandise. There isn't much "luxury" to be found in Rebirth, so the Settlers decided to consolidate the most luxurious items into the ruins of the casino's lobby to create a lovely escape from the dark ruins of the destroyed city.

This store specializes in upscale items. You can find jewelry, watches, purses, art and various collectibles. Not your usual theme park fare. In many ways, this shop is almost as much a museum as it is an actual store.

Cast members dress in formal western wear.

The Past

The Past is a homage to civilization before the fallout. Set up as a general store of sorts, the past is the best place in The Settlement of Rebirth for basic provisions.

Here guests can purchase snacks and bottled drinks,first aid staples, umbrellas, hoodies, sunscreen and the likes. This shop is rather small, simply providing necessities for adventurers.

It connects to the slightly larger shop The Future.

The Future

In sharp contrast to The Past, The Future embraces this new world and the Earth's attempt to regrow itself.

Inside continues the theme of the wild overgrown nature with moss covered walls, creeping vines, and branches making this shop look less like a proper shop and more like a post set up in an alcove of wild wilderness. This shop sells merch themed to New Frontier and the Outer Lands. Ride merch can be found here, as well as mutant animal plushies, mugs, shirts, hoodies, toys and more all relating to the land. There is also a small pin trading area near the back.