Play & Win Arcade

The slot machine area of the ruined Gold Rush Casino was open, so Luck and Skill (the two people who decided to take on the adventure of rebuilding and running the new Gold Rush Casino entertainment area) decided to fix up all of the old machines that they found in the ruins. Most 2929 era technology doesn't work well on the New Frontier with the Electro-Radiation, but these older, largely mechanical machines can be set back up with enough skill and determination!

There's a roof over this portion but it looks cobbled together from scrap metals and chunks of different ruined buildings, it's not the natural roof. The Wild West theming of the original Gold Rush Casino carries over this rebuilt one helping add some old frontier vibes to the New Frontier.

The adult games (mainly some slot machines which have been programed to give out tickets and not money, but all of the traditional casino games are in here) are in a roped off area, so that cm's can control who goes in.

The rest of the space is filled with games and some handcrafted pinball. Plus, a version of the iconic Frontierland Shootin' Arcade. With some new targets made of scrap metal and old street signs painted to look like the Mutant Creatures of the Outer Lands added in.

There's a small ticket counter that offers exclusive souvenirs in exchange for tickets ( You can totally buy these with cash as well). You also go up to the ticket counter to get a card to load your credits on. There's also a restroom in this part to help prevent messes.