The Mighty Mjolnir

Written by @Pi on my Cake

Replacing the iconic Sword in the Stone is a more modern update on the classic Fantasyland photo-op. Right at the edge of the Castle Courtyard near the water feature in the center of the land, Thor's hammer Mjolnir sits half buried in the rocks. Guests can take photos trying to pull the hammer, but none shall be able to. A plaque on the rock has the inscription, "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of... Thor." A few times throughout the day, Thor (in a more fantasy inspired version of his costume similar to the first movie compared to the more sci-fi versions from recent films) will come out to look for anyone worthy to lift the hammer. After a few big strong men can't, he chooses a young kid. They may not lift the hammer, but when the kid grabs the hammer thunder can be heard and lighting around the courtyard makes it look like Lightning is striking. They may not be worthy of the throne of Asgard, but Thor will give the lucky kid a medal and declare them a Hero of Asgard!