What We Smell - Podcast & Script

Graphic representing the sense "smell". A nose.

Once you get to your trail, find a place you feel comfortable and will not be disturbed to sit or stand.  Once you get comfortable, start the podcast.


Hello, welcome to our Nature Podcast inspired by What We Smell.

Once you get to your chosen trail, find a place you feel undisturbed to sit or stand for a few minutes, perhaps a bit away from the parking lot. Make sure you feel comfortable listening to this podcast, perhaps using one earbud. That way you can listen to the quiet beauty of the forest, and be safe. There’s no one right way. Pause this podcast, and once you get to a comfortable spot, hit play. 

You’ve found a space to sit or stand comfortably, near the beginning of your trail. If you are disturbed, just smile, and continue. Life happens. Feel free to pause the podcast anytime.

Close your eyes and…

Take deep, slow, steady breaths, in through the nose and out through the nose….. 3 PART BREATH (belly rib throat) … easeful, graceful. No forcing. Face relaxes. 

Eyes are still closed if you feel safe and are able to. Feel your feet where they are touching the earth, connected to mother earth. Feel the solidity of the earth under your feet, and contrast it to the lightness and fluidity of the breath. As you continue the 3 part breath, bring your attention to the nasal passages to the back of the throat. Notice the air temperature. Cooler air goes in, warmer air goes out. 

We talk about being present, being in the moment, that means we are paying attention to what you are doing right now. When other thoughts creep in, as they probably will, bring your attention back to this podcast and what you are doing right now. If you are able to keep your eyes closed, do so, as our focus turns to what we smell.

Notice the smells you are picking up. Let your imagination wander a bit - what could you be smelling? Are any smells familiar? Are they fresh and welcoming? Can you smell water? Trees? Blossoms? Are the smells associated with feelings or emotions or memories? If so,  let them come up and notice them: do you feel sad or feel comforted, refreshed, invigorated, tired. Maybe a fragrant blossom brings up a pleasant memory.  There is no right or wrong - just be curious and open. 

Open your eyes and...

look around you. What do you see that might be contributing to what you are smelling?

It is time to change your location. If you were in a sunny spot, move to a shaded spot. If you were in a spot filled with brush, maybe find a spot that is more open or near water. Pause the podcast if that's needed.

Close your eyes again and do the 3 part breath again, filling the bottom of the lungs all the way up to the top. Notice the smells you are picking up. What is different? What might be causing the different smells in the air?

As you inhale, think about how the fragrances make you feel. Allow emotions, feelings, memories. Do you feel Excited, calm, intrigued?  

Open your eyes and look around you.  What do you see that might be contributing to what you are smelling?

As you walk through the woods today, stop every now and then, close your eyes and take in a deep breath.  Go up to a plant, a fallen tree or a stream and see what you can smell.

This is the end of podcast 5. As you walk through the forest, welcome in all of the scents - and feel those scents in your entire being. Be open to all the fragrant sensations and comfort that mother nature has for you today. Enjoy and be well.