What We Touch - Journal Entry 1

Graphic representing the sense "touch". A hand.
A photo of someone touching a piece of long grass.

Begin by thinking about the sensations you feel when you are out in nature. If you are comfortable doing so, take off your socks and shoes and feel the sensation of your bare feet on the ground. How does it feel? Reach out and touch something in your surroundings. This may be dirt, grass, moss, the bark of a nearby tree, or something else. Take note of what it feels like and describe the sensation in your journal. 

While you walk - notice the different textures of nature. The variety of textures in the barks of the trees, the different soils and ground coverings. Reach out or down to touch the different textures and make note of how they feel to you. Below are some adjectives to help you describe what you are feeling.

Module 4- Journaly Entry 1 Table

*You may choose to journal in a way of your choice. As an option, a journal has been created in Google Slides and/or Powerpoint that you may use. Here is a link to the interactive journal

* Return to this journal as often as you would like to make notes, drawings or observations as you continue your journey.