What We Taste - Journal Entry 2

Graphic representing the sense "taste". Lips and a tongue.
Image of a boy climbing an apple tree.

"Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth."

- Henry David Thoreau

Thoreau’s quote embraces a spiritual connection to the earth and the metaphysical nourishment it can offer. Consider our ancestral connection to the earth and how it differs today. Have you found ways to be filled up by being in nature? What if that version of getting “filled up” became physical? How comfortable are you exploring nature through the lens of survival? How can you determine what ways you can best feed your body through nature’s resources?

*You may choose to journal in a way of your choice. As an option, a journal has been created in Google Slides and/or Powerpoint that you may use. Here is a link to the interactive journal