Module 4:

What We Touch

Image of a child using his hands to feel something inside a wooden tray.
Graphic representing the sense "touch". A hand.

“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.”

- William Shakespeare

Tactile experiences are often overlooked but touch helps us understand what we are seeing. Today, you will connect to nature on a deeper level through the spirit podcast. Through exploration and journaling, you will notice how there are many textures existing together within the same natural environment. 

*Before you start your journey you should watch the video on exploring touch and the video on plants not to touch.

What you will get out of it: 

The purpose of today’s lesson is for you to engage in your own tactile experiences in nature by touching the plants, soil, and rocks.

What you will do:

Today you will take a walk in nature and practice making observations using your sense of touch.

Recommended Nature Walks:


*We recognize that nature walks are not possible for everyone so, while the hikes are highly recommended, they are not required. Spending time in nature, even the nature found in a park or your own backyard, is absolutely fine.

"boy wearing green bubble zip-up jacket holding tree trunk" by Annie Spratt
