What We Taste - Journal Entry 1

Graphic representing the sense "taste". Lips and a tongue.
Image of someone foraging mushrooms in the woods.

Imagine you could no longer buy your food from a store.  The only way to get your food is by going back to the land to forage and hunt.  Do you think you would survive?  There are many plants that can kill you if you ingest them.  How would you find safe ones to eat? Do you know of any plants found out in the wilderness that you can eat?  Make a list in your journal.


After listening to the podcast please consider and answer the following questions:

What sensations did you feel while you were eating? How did it feel to concentrate on your food and notice it on your lips, in your mouth and being swallowed?

*You may choose to journal in a way of your choice. As an option, a journal has been created in Google Slides and/or Powerpoint that you may use. Here is a link to the interactive journal