What We Touch - Podcast & Script

Graphic representing the sense "touch". A hand.
Dad- touch-edited.mp3

Once you get to your trail, find a place you feel comfortable and will not be disturbed to sit or stand.  Once you get comfortable, start the podcast.


Hello, welcome to our Nature Podcast inspired by What We Touch.

Once you get to your chosen trail, find a place you feel undisturbed to sit or stand for a few minutes, perhaps a bit away from the parking lot. Make sure you feel comfortable listening to this podcast, perhaps using one earbud. That way you can listen to the quiet beauty of the forest, and be safe. There’s no one right way. Pause this podcast, and once you get to a comfortable spot, hit play. 

You’ve found a space to sit or stand comfortably, near the beginning of your trail. If you are disturbed, just smile, and continue. Life happens. 

Close your eyes and…

Take deep, slow, steady breaths, in through the nose and out through the nose….. 3 PART BREATH (volume)… easeful, graceful. No forcing. Face relaxes. 

Eyes are still closed if you feel safe and are able to. Feel your feet where they are touching the earth, connected to mother earth. Feel yourself energized by the breath. Feel the cool fresh air coming in and the warm air going out. 

We talk about being present, being in the moment, that means we are paying attention to what you are doing right now. When other thoughts creep in, bring your attention back to my voice and what you are doing right now. That will happen a thousand times, so be it. 

Open your eyes and...

Find a large tree near you that looks appealing. Choose a tree that does not have any vines or other plants growing on its bark. Walk over to the tree and place your hands on its bark.

Close your eyes and focus on what you are feeling. Perhaps you will put words to the feeling, but words are not necessary, just be. (pause this podcast whenever you wish)

Now hug the tree, placing your arms around it and your cheek on the tree. Breathing, welcoming the sensations you are feeling on your skin, a gift from mother nature. 

Feel, or imagine you feel, a current running from the tree into you. Mother nature has what we need, and she takes away what we don’t. 

You start to feel your muscular tension releasing into the tree. Your stress, your burdens, your worries and concerns, almost melting away, mother nature is relieving you of all of your burdens, drawing them out of you into the beautiful tree, where they are released into the ethers, becoming nothing. Mother nature has an infinite capacity to take care of you. Your brain may not understand how mother nature heals so profoundly, but you know, we can feel that she does. 

 Before releasing the tree, thank the tree in your head, or better yet, whisper “thank you” out loud. Fill yourself with gratitude. 

When you are ready, slowly release the tree, and open your eyes.

If you feel comfortable, take off your shoes and socks so you can feel the earth under your feet. Be sure to look around the area for rocks,  poison ivy or other plants that would irritate your skin if you stepped on them.

Feel the earth on your feet. Dig your toes in, embrace your inner child, what does it feel like?

If you are able, take a few steps forward. Does the feeling of the earth change under your feet? 

You can continue walking barefoot or put your shoes back on as you walk. As you walk through the woods, focus on feeling the changes in the air or temperature, feel the plants if you are sure they are safe and maybe even take off your shoes along the way, let your feet delight in the different textures.

This is the end of podcast 3. As you walk through the forest, play with everything you feel - the air and sunlight or shade on your skin. Reach out and touch things safely. Be open to all the sensation and comfort that mother nature has for you today. Enjoy and be well.