What We Taste - Podcast & Script

Graphic representing the sense "taste". Lips and a tongue.
Claire- Taste.mp3

Once you get to your trail, find a place you feel comfortable and will not be disturbed to sit or stand.  Once you get comfortable, start the podcast.

Hello, welcome to our Nature Podcast inspired by What We Taste.

Once you get to your chosen trail, find a place you feel undisturbed to sit or stand for a few minutes, perhaps a bit away from the parking lot. Make sure you feel comfortable listening to this podcast, perhaps using one earbud. That way you can listen to the quiet beauty of the forest, and be safe. There’s no one right way. Pause this podcast, and once you get to a comfortable spot, hit play. 

You’ve found a space to sit or stand comfortably, near the beginning of your trail. If you are disturbed, just smile, and continue. Life happens. Feel free to pause the podcast anytime.

Close your eyes and…

Take deep, slow, steady breaths, in through the nose and out through the nose….. in through the nose and out through the nose… easeful, graceful. No forcing. Face relaxes. 

Eyes are still closed if you feel safe and are able to. Feel your feet where they are touching the earth, connected to mother earth. Feel the solidity of the earth under your feet, imagine that you are growing roots from your feet directly into the earth. Perhaps the roots are orderly and grow straight down, or maybe they’re tangled. Let them be, because we know mother nature supports us every minute of every day, even if we forget. Feel the stability of your connection to the earth which allows the rest of the body to flow with the breath. Feel the entire body expand with the inhale, then soften back down with the exhale.

We talk about being present, being in the moment, that means we are paying attention to what you are doing right now. When other thoughts creep in, as they probably will, bring your attention back to my voice and what you are doing right now. If you are able to keep your eyes closed, do so, as our focus turns to what we taste.

Choose a piece of food, I’d suggest something natural, like a piece of fruit, maybe raisin from trail mix if you have it. Slowly bring the food to your mouth, notice how it feels on your lips. Feel its texture. Can you taste it already?

Put the piece of food into your mouth and let it sit on your tongue.  Notice how your mouth reacts to the food? Are you salivating? Focus on the taste.

As you take a single bite, notice the movement of the mouth, the jaw , the tongue. Noticing the sound your jaw makes and the feeling of the food crunching. Continue to chew the food completely. As you swallow, feel the food traveling down your throat and into your stomach. 

Can you still taste the food after it's been swallowed?  Notice how your mouth feels different from before eating the food to after eating the food. Is your mouth salivating, wanting more food?

Reach back into your bag of food and put a few pieces into your mouth.  Let the food sit on your tongue and notice the tastes and sensations you are getting. When you are ready, chew your food and take notice of the flavors you are tasting. Notice the sensation of chewing - the teeth, the tongue, the sides and roof of the mouth. How is it different from the first piece of food you ate?

Before swallowing, really taste the food. Then swallow and feel or imagine you feel it traveling down your throat and into the stomach.

Now take your drink and take a small sip and hold it in your mouth.  Notice how the drink affects the sensations in your mouth. How does it mix with the food you ate? Does it wash away the taste? How does it feel on your tongue, top and sides of your mouth, back of your throat?

As you swallow your drink, notice the sensation as it goes down your throat.  Take a few more sips and notice the different sensations and tastes in your mouth.

This is the end of podcast 4. As you walk through the forest, take bites of your snack, being mindful as you chew and swallow. Taste every bit you can. Notice if you crave more natural foods as you spend time in nature. Be open to all the blessings that mother nature has for you today. Enjoy and be well.