Welcome to a resource for your Vintage Strawberry Shortcake collecting needs!
Please feel free to email the site at strawberryshortcakewiki@gmail.com for information on how to contribute your own pictures or information to the page or with questions you have! I'd love to help with your Strawberry Shortcake questions! Happy collecting!
Strawberry Shortcake Collector is now on Instagram! Follow the site @strawberryshortcakewiki
Want to chat with other long time collectors who share a love of all things vintage Strawberry Shortcake? Join our Facebook Group: Strawberry Shortcake Collector!
My name is Shannon, and I have been collecting Strawberry Shortcake for over 25 years, but I have loved her since I was a child. I was fortunate that my parents saved all of my dolls, and when I moved to my own home after college, my mom brought over my childhood toys. From that day I was hooked on collecting anything and everything Vintage Strawberry Shortcake!
I live in Illinois along the Mississippi River next to Iowa. I am a wife, mother of three, and after teaching high school for 21 years, am now a middle school special education instructional coach.
It's been tough to find a comprehensive resource for collecting and many collectors in the groups I'm in have asked for one, so I decided to start my own. I have painstakingly photographed my entire collection, and I hope others will share their own pictures to fill in the gaps! All pictures on the site are from my own collection unless otherwise noted underneath the picture.
I am always adding to my collection! If you have something for sale that you don't see on my site or is noted that it is not owned by me, please contact me through the page!
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